Showrunners Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss are, naturally, huge fans of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s original Sherlock Holmes stories, and the first episode of season 4, "The Six Thatchers," is peppered with references to the source material.. Firstly, the title and basic plot for the episode were both lifted from Doyle’s work, "The Adventure of The Six Napoleons" - a short Sherlock Holmes story that was published in The Strand magazine in 1904. Sherlock and Watson trace the seller of the busts, and he provides them with the names of the other two owners. The story of Enola Holmes involves a similar plot twist: Someone you think was trying to help Enola is revealed, in the end, to be the true villain. She spends her time at Screen Rant writing about all of the things she loves, mainly Disney, Harry Potter, family movies and of course, anything that might have a little bit of singing in it. Facebook This is significant, only because Holmes used his wrestling skills and “Bartitsu” to defeat Moriarty. 1. SHARE. It's Egg-amentary, my dear reader. When Enola first meets Tewksbury (Louis Partridge) on the train, they briefly take up positions that pay homage to two Sidney Paget illustrations. As soon as the owner has done so, Sherlock smashes the bust and discovers hidden inside... the Black Pearl of Borgias! “The Greek Interpreter” and the “The Final Problem” are both collected in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, and “The Bruce-Partington Plans,” — the best Mycroft story where we get the most information about him —is collected in His Last Bow. “You see,” he says exasperatedly, “but you do not observe. - 5.3 /10 with 3 votes In the game, Sherlock Holmes must take a picture of a bat in a dungeon room in the Tower of London, so that the flash will stun it and allow it to be captured. In “The Bruce-Partington Plans,” Holmes says that Mycroft has a modest salary of “four hundred and fifty pounds a year…remains a subordinate, has no ambitions of any kind…but remains the most indispensable man in the country.” Most fans and scholars have taken this to mean that Mycroft actually worked for some kind of secret service and that his salary and true responsibilities were much bigger than they seemed. I’d be very grateful.”. Although Watson does appear in some of Nancy Springer’s Enola Holmes books (notably in The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets) he’s nowhere in sight in this movie. That said, if you are looking for Sherlockian connections to Enola in the new Netflix film, there are a few shoutouts to the greatest hits of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, beyond the obvious. Sherlock is not so smart. Remind Me About Norbury. In that case, "hell" could well refer to a specific place where Sherlock will find out more. Ryan Britt is a longtime contributor to Den of Geek! 6 Most Interesting Easter Eggs in Sherlock: The Six Thatchers. But then again, maybe that’s what he wants you to think. How the Making (and Remaking)…, Enola Holmes Review: Millie Bobby Brown’s Revolution Lacks Revelation, Sherlock Holmes History Proves Enola Holmes Lawsuit is Nonsense, slightly more famous and similar illustration, The Little Things Review: Denzel Washington Brings Back Creepy Serial Killer Thrillers, Aliens, Clowns & Geeks Review: Sci-Fi Comedy Aims Low And Scores High, Locked Down Review: Anne Hathaway and Chiwetel Ejiofor Pioneer the COVID Rom-Com, Best Family Movies on Netflix to Stream With Kids, Stranger Things Season 4 Release Date, Trailer, Cast, Episodes, and Story Details, How Paul McGuigan Crafted the Visual Language of Sherlock, Introducing A Brand New FREE Quarterly Magazine From Den of Geek, Magic: The Gathering - The Legend of the Black Lotus Continues, Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 3: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide, Enola Holmes: The Best Sherlock Holmes Easter Eggs. A big reference to the original story, but one that doesn’t really mean so much, came in the closing credits, when seemingly random letters were highlighted in red. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Sometimes she does other things, like working as a fitness instructor or taking pictures of her cats, and she attempts to raise three children. If you consider Inspector Lestrade himself an Easter egg, he first appeared in the very first Holmes novel ever, A Study In Scarlet. Enola uses her martial arts skills to also save herself from death. Set in 1884, "Enola Holmes" is a mystery film following Sherlock Holmes' younger sister as she embarks on her first detective case. The illustration recreated for Enola Holmes features Cavill without a hat, but in Paget’s illustration for “The Solitary Cyclist,” Holmes was drawn wearing his famous deerstalker cap. So the easter egg is the other way around. Holmes tells Watson he has seen Wilhelmine Norman-Neruda play the violin. You fail to connect actions to their consequences. In the first movie, his feet are clean but in the second part, he has a birthmark shaped like Africa. This is a recreation of the Sidney Paget illustration from the same short story mentioned above, “The Solitary Cyclist.” In the story, Holmes punches a guy named Mr. Woodley in a bar fight and describes the knock-out punch as “A straight left against a slogging ruffian.”. Now, of course, Sherlock did have cases before he met Watson. Sherlock, ever renowned for being quite full of himself, misses an important clue hidden in a cottage there, meaning he cannot solve the case. 15 Easter Eggs in Famous Cartoons Only Sherlock Holmes Would Notice. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest. ', Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for Sherlock: The Six Thatchers. Detecting Easter eggs may not be a case worthy of great detectives like Enola or Sherlock, but nonetheless, the reference game is afoot! Sherlock is convinced Moriarty is dead, but we all know people have a habit of faking such things in this show. “The Solitary Cyclist” is collected in The Return of Sherlock Holmes. Early in the movie, as Enola is describing Sherlock, she says her brother is “The famous detective, scholar, chemist, virtuoso violinist, expert marksman, swordsman, singlestick fighter, pugilist, and brilliant deductive thinker.” All of these descriptions are fairly accurate to the Conan Doyle canon, but when she says “pugilist” we see an illustration of Henry Cavill punching out someone in a pub. But, the truth is, Enola’s form of mixed martial arts is more likely a reference to the martial art “Bartitsu,” which Sherlock claimed he was proficient at in the short story “The Empty House.” (The Return of Sherlock Holmes). 90 Day Fiancé: Why 'Baby Girl' Lisa & Usman's Relationship Was Never Going to Work, Bachelor: Matt James’ Friends Body Shame Victoria, The 'Queen' Claps Back, Indiana Jones 5 Director Hints At Movie's Setting, Dragon Ball Super Reveals A Brand New Villain In Granolah, Black Lightning Season 4 Trailer Sees Jefferson Pierce Give Up On Being a Hero, Star Trek: Why TNG's Tasha Yar Was Killed (& How She Came Back), Harley Quinn's Finally Going To Kill Joker For DC's Black Label, Godzilla Vs Kong Funko Pops Announced Ahead of the Monsters’ Epic Showdown, Invincible Live Action Movie Still In Development, Won't Connect To Animated Show, James Bond: Everything That Went Wrong With Quantum of Solace, ESO: Gates Of Oblivion Trailer Is an Epic Return To Elder Scrolls' Past, How A Harry Potter Spinoff Can Avoid Fantastic Beasts' Prequel Mistakes, Elder Scrolls 6 Won't Be Released Until 2026, According To Insider, How to Defeat Chimera in Skul: The Hero Slayer (Boss Guide). Here are the best Sherlock Holmes Easter eggs and references in the new Netflix movie, Enola Holmes. He doesn’t live with Craig the hacker, either, but with a man named Mr. Sherman. Major spoilers follow. Let’s call it a reverse Easter egg, but if you were expecting to hear from Dr. John Watson, Sherlock’s trusted confidant, and the man who writes down the vast majority of the detective’s adventures; well, he’s not here! The unmovable dog (who really was unmovable according to Moffat), named Toby, was also an instantly recognizable Easter Egg to any Holmes … To you the world remains an impenetrable mystery whereas to me it is an open book. Here are 25 facts, easter eggs and allusions for the BBC Sherlock episode “The Empty Hearse” which was based (loosely) on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s story “The Empty House.” This article only contains spoilers for and discussion of this, the first episode of season/series three. ", In "The Six Thatchers," upon returning home after the death of Mary, reeling with shock and guilt, Sherlock says to Mrs. Hudson: “If you ever think I’m becoming a bit full of myself, cocky or overconfident, just say the word ‘Norbury’ to me, would you? Hard logic versus romantic whimsy, that is your choice. In this way, the brief illustration of Henry Cavill’s Holmes punching out the guy in the bar is both a nod to Paget’s illustration, but also a nod to the idea that Holmes maybe never wore that hat. Posted in Lists Tagged Conan Doyle, Easter Eggs, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, The Abominable Bride Vote for the SHERLOSCARS 2016! Detecting Easter eggs may not be a case worthy of great detectives like Enola or Sherlock, but nonetheless, the reference game is afoot! Becky also works as a theater critic, and divides her time between watching theater, movies, and TV. And, in one particular fight scene Enola pretends to have been briefly drowned in order to gain the upper hand in a fight. She was sometimes called “’the female Paganini.” So, having Enola state this unequivocally is a pretty deep cut. Though the Holmes siblings uncover many clues throughout the movie, there are plenty of hidden details and references that may slide under the radar upon first viewing. Her existence relies on the fictional universe of Sherlock Holmes, but you don’t really need to know anything about those stories to enjoy the books or the new Netflix film. This might seems like a sideways reference to the Guy Ritchie films in which Robert Downey Jr.’s Sherlock Holmes is beating people up all the time. – Drag and Drop Nov 13 '17 at 9:46 The largest reference in the film, is perhaps, a reference that is not there at all. But if … We are all sleuths in this game - though none of us are quite as good at guessing the outcome as Mr. Holmes himself. Two of them, “The Gloria Scott” and “The Musgrave Ritual” were told to Watson by Sherlock, but from the time before they became buddies. 14k. Here are all the Sherlock Holmes Easter eggs and references in Netflix's new Enola Holmes movie. Sherlock is, of course, addressing Rosie Watson, but the whole speech (except the line about the rattle) is lifted from another of Doyle’s stories, "A Scandal in Bohemia." In the film, Cavill’s Sherlock attempts to take his traditional apolitical stance when it comes to the major political changes underway in England. But, in a roundabout way —in the first novel A Study In Scarlet — Holmes also makes a reference to Paganini. In “The Bascombe Valley Mystery” Holmes and Watson sat together in a train similar to this scene with Enola and Tewksbury, with the caption “We had the carriage to ourselves.”. LEFT: Sherlock with a bust of Thatcher. He's Indestructible! (01:30:25) It’s the more important references that really add to the plot of "The Six Thatchers" - starting with Norbury. Enola also claims Sherlock’s favorite composer is Paganini. If you know your Sherlock Holmes, you ll recognise this as the same plot of the killer in A Study In Scarlet, the first Holmes novel. Sherlock has returned to our screens, ushering in the New Year with the mystery of a burglar who steals nothing, but instead has been destroying identical busts of Margaret Thatcher. It takes place over the course of a single day, but is just as jam-packed with Easter eggs and references to the work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- especially his Sherlock story "The Sign of Four." The agree that Sherlock’s favorite tobacco is “black shag,” which is established a few times in the canon, but in The Hound of the Baskervilles, we learn that Holmes likes to get his tobacco from a place called Bradley, on Oxford Street. There is a reference too, to "The Adventure of the Redheaded League" - when Sherlock explains his deductions to a client, he responds with “I thought you’d done something clever, but it’s simple, isn’t it?" She also has a deep affection for Netflix Marvel shows, movies and TV shows that focus on character, and pretty much anything that represents quality British movies or TV programs. Holmes mentions the Italian violinist Niccolò Paganini once in the Doyle canon and alludes to him at a different time. Either way, Toby on screen proved himself to be infinitely less helpful than Toby on paper. Afterwards, he says to John "If it should ever strike you that I am getting a little overconfident in my powers, or giving less pains to a case than it deserves, kindly whisper 'Norbury' in my ear, and I shall be infinitely obliged to you. Becky has been writing for Screen Rant since 2014. That said, in the movie version of Enola Holmes, Mycroft does not come across as a shrewd government agent. In neither story do Holmes and Watson jump from the train like Enola and Tewksbury do. 10. 4. Is Moriarty using the woman to get close to John? Which means, the only mystery left is this: If Watson didn’t write his famous stories about Sherlock Holmes, how did his sister know so much about him? Sherlock: 11 Easter Eggs, ... another fun little Easter Egg on Mycroft’s fridge for book fans. One of the lighter moments in this first episode came when viewers saw a shot of Sherlock seemingly berating John Watson. Sherlock Holmes faked his death in “The Final Problem,”(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes) making the world believe he had fallen into a watery grave at the Reichenbach Falls. The pair (along with Lestrade) then capture the thief at the house of one owner, and Sherlock pays the owner of the sixth and final bust a very handsome amount for him to hand the bust over intact. Now, for the last time, if you want to keep the rattle, you do not throw the rattle.” Sherlock is, of course, addressing Rosie Watson, but the whole speech (except the line about the rattle) is lifted from another of Doyle’s stories, "A Scandal in Bohemia. His theories are confounded when a fourth bust is taken, and this time the thief murders an eye-witness to the case, before escaping and smashing the bust under a streetlight further down the road. So what is Mycroft’s job? Sherlock: 10 Easter Eggs, ... Another theory is that now that three Holmes siblings—Sherlock, Mycroft, and Eurus—have been introduced, the show may actually reveal a fourth one. Sherlock does reference the Black Pearl (a case he deems too boring to investigate directly), assuming that this is what the villain is searching for, and that they are working for Moriarty. What Lies Ahead For Sherlock and John in Season 4? Other mistake: In the scene when Sherlock Holmes and his crew are running through the forest, the barrel of "Little Hansel" can be seen being raised up to 50°, which would cause a parabolic trajectory, but the shell travels in a horizontal path as it blasts through a tree and past Holmes. Sherlock is a reference to Dr Strange. Okay, so there are mountains in the movie, so what? There’s literally no need whatsoever for any Sherlock Holmes project to be slapped with an R-rating, especially a long-awaited sequel to two popular hits that each earned over $500 million apiece. Sherlock season 4 continues with 'The Lying Detective' on January 8th on BBC 1 and Masterpiece. 90 Day Fiancé: What Angela Deem Did For Her Drastic Weight Loss Results, Sherlock: Every Reference & Easter Egg in 'The Six Thatchers'. And not one noticed that Doctor Strange can travel time. ", The unmovable dog (who really was unmovable according to Moffat), named Toby, was also an instantly recognizable Easter Egg to any Holmes fan. Holmes & Watson is a 2018 American mystery comedy film written and directed by Etan Cohen.The movie stars Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly as the eponymous characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, respectively; with Rebecca Hall, Rob Brydon, Steve Coogan, and Ralph Fiennes in supporting roles. The BBC's Sherlock often draws on Arthur Conan Doyle's original work for influence, but how many references made it into 'The Six Thatchers? The Shout-Outs and Easter Eggs You Missed in the Sherlock Finale Learn the many hidden references and shout-outs in the Sherlock season finale, "His Last Vow." Here are 14 easter eggs writer Mark Gatiss slipped into the debut of Sherlock’s fourth season premiere. In "The Six Thatchers," it’s busts of the late Margaret Thatcher that are being smashed - this time by an assassin who used to work with Mary Watson, who is searching for a memory stick that contains all their aliases and information on their work. The slightly more famous and similar illustration comes from Holmes and Watson on a train in the story “Silver Blaze,” which is captioned with the phrase “Holmes gave me a sketch of the events.” In both instances, Holmes is wearing his deerstalker cap, just as Enola is wearing a newsboy-style cap in this scene in the movie.“The Bascombe Valley Mystery” is in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, while “Silver Blaze,” is in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. And yet, Enola Holmes may the most interesting non-Sherlock Sherlock-books, ever. Home/Wonder/Films/ 15 Easter Eggs In The Famous Cartoon Only Sherlock Holmes Will Notice. In Moffat and Gatiss’ take on "The Six Napoleons," then, the Black Pearl is nothing more than a reference point, but there are still many Easter Eggs to watch out for - from the small and insignificant, to the rather ominous. 164,631 . In the same sequence, we get another recreation of a Sidney Paget portrait of Sherlock, this one with the dead giv away of not only looking almost identical but also sporting the original caption: “The pipe was still between his lips.” This illustration comes from the story “The Man With the Twisted Lip,” which was published in 1891 and later collected in the book The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The references to canon, the red herrings, and the small hints at what’s to come all add up to a show that gives viewers plenty to unravel in the days following each episode. In “The Solitary Cyclist,” a woman named Violet Smith is followed by someone she assumes is a villain, but who turns out to be someone who was trying to save her. Early in the film, as Sherlock and Mycroft (Sam Claflin) are debating Enola’s future, Sherlock quips that Mycroft “doesn’t need the money,” and wonders if “the government has cut your salary.” Mycroft, Sherlock’s older brother, only appears in the stories “The Bruce-Partington Plans,” “The Greek Interpreter,” and “The Final Problem.”. 4 Sherlock Easter eggs you may not have noticed in The Lying Detective. Each time, the bust has been smashed to pieces in a spot where the light was good, leading Sherlock to suspect that the bust smashing isn’t an act of hatred toward the late French General, but rather a case of someone looking for something. After Enola attempts to pass herself off as one of Sherlock Holmes’ “assistants,” she and Inspector Lestrade (Adeel Akhtar) compare their knowledge of Sherlock. Alex Moreland Tuesday 10 Jan 2017 4:00 pm. The movie begins with Enola on a bicycle, which seems to be a visual reference to the short story “The Solitary Cyclist.” The story itself has almost nothing to do with the plot of Enola Holmes, but, it does foreshadow one thematic aspect of the movie. One other little Sherlock Holmes tidbit; when Mycroft takes the takeout menu from his fridge, the name of the restaurant is Reigate Square, highly similar to the name of another Sherlock short story, "Reigate Squire.". Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! The most hotly-anticipated part of Sherlock s third series was the explanation of how Sherlock faked his death. One of the overarching themes of the movie centers on Enola’s skills as a fighter. The hound often accompanies Sherlock on several cases, but he doesn’t live with him. Becky thinks that Paddington 2 might well be the best movie ever made. The subgenre of Sherlock Holmes pastiches in which Sherlock himself is not the focus is slightly larger than you might think. In "The Six Napoleons," Lestrade contacts Sherlock with details of a case which involves three break-ins, where nothing has been stolen or damaged save for a plaster bust of Napoleon in each case. Across its 13 episodes to date, Sherlock has been utterly packed with Easter eggs and nods to other versions of Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic detective. The only problem is, the carriage is driving on the right side of the road with others passing on the left. Watch frame by frame, and it will become apparent that the letters spell out "Six Napoleons." That’s the surname of Vivian, the quiet and unassuming (or so we thought) secretary who ends up shooting Mary dead; but in Doyle's "The Adventure of the Yellow Face," it’s the name of a borough in South-West London. Mary’s death is Sherlock Holmes canon, though Moffat and Gatiss rightly gave her departure much more weight than just the passing remark John gives in the stories. This correct, but only through inference. Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis Easter Eggs Batman in the 19th Century? Sherlock is already a consulting detective when Watson meets him, so you could argue that everything in the film Enola Holmes happens before that meeting. Starring Millie Bobby Brown as Sherlock Holmes' little sister Enola, the new Netflix film is based on Nancy Springer's series The Enola Holmes Mysteries.It's a tremendously fun reinvention of the Sherlock Holmes mythos, and Brown demonstrates the depth of her acting skill and charisma. Enola Holmes is streaming on Netflix now. Although the new Netflix film is primarily adapted from the middle-grade novels by Nancy Springer, there are more than a few references in the film to the original Holmes canon of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes, The Adventures of Easter Eggs Violet Hunter's Address - 9.2 /10 with 5 votes In "The Copper Beeches" from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", Violet Hunter lives in a … He is the author of the forthcoming book PHASERS ON STUN! In terms of an Easter egg, this mostly references A Study in Scarlet where Watson draws up a list of Holmes’ weaknesses and describes Sherlock’s knowledge of politics as “feeble.” In the larger sense of the story and the character, however, this scene highlights the notion that Sherlock’s views toward women were not always the same in each story, which was, partially, the source of a bizarre lawsuit brought against the people who made Enola Holmes. Films Wonder 15 Easter Eggs In The Famous Cartoon Only Sherlock Holmes Will Notice. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (yes, that Kareem) has written two novels and a comic book series about Sherlock’s brother Mycroft, while Carole Nelson Douglas wrote eight novels focused on Irene Adler. In the “The Cardboard Box,” Sherlock outright names Paganini and told Watson “anecdote after anecdote” about how he played. At the end of canon story “The Adventure of the Yellow Face” (which takes place in Norbury), Holmes, after bungling the case with his mistaken conclusion, asks Watson sheepishly: If Enola Holmes is your first introduction to Mycroft, the canonical stories will not remind you of the character in this movie. She has a degree in musical theater and performance and thinks that musical soundtracks should form a fundamental part of everyone's daily existence. Mark Gatiss slipped into the debut of Sherlock s third series was the explanation of how Sherlock faked death. Reference that is your first introduction to Mycroft, the carriage is driving on the right side of other... Play the sherlock holmes movie easter eggs to Den of Geek this is significant, Only because Holmes used his skills... 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