Ron in the book is also described as having big hands and feet, as well as a long nose; actor Rupert Grint has a regular sized nose and hands. Words I get from the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. A rare first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has sold for a world record price of £127,000 at Christies in New York – 11,555 times its original £10.99 price. In the film, McGonagall tells Wood she has found him a Seeker outside Quirrell's classroom, but in the novel, she takes Oliver and Harry to an empty classroom where they find Peeves writing rude words on a blackboard. An orphaned boy enrolls in a school of wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone = Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1), J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling. The protagonist of the story, who is gradually transformed from timid weakling to powerful hero by the end. When Harry walks into Ollivanders, in the overhead shot of the shop the table is angled directly in front of the ladder. the cereal bowl is missing and the tea pot is near his juice. This is not shown in the film (excluding Gryffindor's initial disappointment in having lost the House Cup at the end), however according to a Magazine article on the DVD release of the film, there was a scene filmed of Harry and Ron looking at the House Point Hourglasses in the Great Hall, but was not included in the film or on the deleted scenes of the DVD. The soundtrack was nominated for Best Original Score at the 74th Academy Awards. Best be off," the string hangs off the side again. Rowling also wrote a few companion books to the series, including The Tales of Beadle the Bard and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (the latter of which has also been turned into a movie). 4- children looking in store window. It happens just as they are passing through the picture hole, where Harry turns a couple of times to check that the "door" is closing. In the film, it is Hermione who comes across the name in a book she picked up for 'light reading'. The title of the source novel in the UK was "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and the movie bears the same title in non-US releases. At the beginning of the book, Harry is an unimpressive figure: skinny, sloppy, isolated from his family, the constant victim of his cousin's bullying, and marked with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead (the result of Voldemort's failed attempt to kill him during his infancy). Actor Rupert Grint is not tall and lanky in this initial film, while two tall actors (James and Oliver Phelps) were cast for Fred and George are. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Novel: J. K. RowlingScreenplay: Steve Kloves As a scene that represents how important it is that he stop Voldemort from returning, at the age of eleven, Harry knows what he is willing to risk. Petunia: Up! In the book, Neville was also given detention for being out of bed because he was trying to warn Harry about Malfoy and was caught by Professor McGonagall. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in drei Worten? Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone: 1/7 (Harry Potter 1) (Top List) Harry Potter. 4 November, 2001 (UK premiere)[1]14 November, 2001 (US premiere)[1]16 November, 2001 (wide release)[1] When Dudley counts the presents in the book, he says there are 36 and that is two less than last year, although Aunt Petunia then shows him the present he has missed out. Director Christopher Columbus had confirmed that screening versions of the film was at 170 minutes, but 18 minutes was cut for the theatrical version. However, the novel starts the story following Vernon Dursley during what he thinks is an average day. In the film, Harry, Ron and Hermione discover the link to Nicolas Flamel and the stone through a book, rather than Albus Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog Card, although a deleted scene shows them discovering the connection through a chocolate frog card, but it was switched when edited). In other languages, the order may or may not be different. Harry and Ron enter the girls' dormitories with Hermione after escaping from Fluffy in the film. The act of Seamus's works blowing up on him would become a recurring joke throughout the film series. In the chess scene, at the end of the montage of shots of pieces being smashed, the White Queen turns her attention to a Black Rook. Over the years, Harry, Ron, and Hermione fell into their roles as friends and saviors of the wizarding world. Harry, Ron and Hermione are in Hagrid's hut and the egg inside the cauldron in the fireplace starts rattling. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. to get their brooms into their hands, Ron's flies up a little too fast and hits him in the face. All scenes where the stone is mentioned by name have been be filmed/looped accordingly to produce two different versions of the film to adapt to the title. Towards the… Producer(s) Eventually, Harry learns that Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, which produces the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal. Harry discovers his talent for riding broomsticks and inadvertently makes Gryffindor's Quidditch team (a sport in the wizarding world involving flying broomsticks) as a Seeker while defending another student, Neville Longbottom (Matthew Lewis), from Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton), a Slytherin first year, later learning that his father was also on the team. Yet, when Mr Ollivander hands Harry the second wand the table is beside the ladder in this shot. Actor Radcliffe, meanwhile, was fitted with green contact lenses which are clearly visible in close-ups, but they weren't used after this first day of shooting because they irritated Radcliffe's eyes. In the novel, Harry is caught with a broomstick first years aren't supposed to have by Draco Malfoy. The video game version is even worse. When one grabs the quaffle from Angelina, they fly past the second Gryffindor tower – we see the first Gryffindor tower, two staff towers (grey/black), Slytherin tower and the second Gryffindor tower behind them - then Angelina covers her head with her arm. House Points. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone first released in 1997. 2- particular men and women walking past the store. This is one of the two US VHS releases to use that same music variant on DVD. One night, Harry, Ron and Hermione encounter a giant three-headed dog named Fluffy belonging to Hagrid at the Forbidden Corridor on the Third Floor of the school. ENGLISH (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) / ITALIANO. When the first years are first led into the Great Hall, in the shot facing the teacher's table, the twins sit to Wood's left at the end of Gryffindor's table. Though in the close-up of the letter as he holds it, it is not Richard Griffiths' hand, that is shown with bitten up fingernails, holding the envelope. In the film, Harry's parents appear in the Mirror of Erised and Voldemort says he and Harry can bring them back if he gives Voldemort the Stone in return. Vernon Dursley drives him to the train station. More Like This. Harry receives an incredibly special and magical Christmas present. It represents Harry Potter. Later on, Neville directly tells this to Draco. He gives Harry a cake for his eleventh birthday and his acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As such, some changes in Harry and Hermione's physical appearance can be seen. In "Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone," Harry and Hermione use Harry's invisibility cloak to hide themselves and Norbert as they travel through the castle. Sometime later, Hagrid arrives with the sleeping infant Harry on a flying motorcycle. At the start of term feast, after Harry is sorted into. While Draco flees in fear with Fang in tow, the hooded figure then attempts to attack Harry, only to be scared off by an arriving centaur named Firenze, a close friend of Hagrid's. In the book, Dudley says this line only after Vernon pauses driving long enough to do a glance around to see if any owls are following them on a bridge. John WilliamsOrchestrator: Conrad Pope Lego Harry Potter is a Lego theme based on the films of the Harry Potter series. Watch fullscreen. In some respects, Harry seems fated to follow in the footsteps of Voldemort, a destiny which is demonstrated in the Sorting Hat's initial intention to sort Harry into Slytherin House. Under the invisibility cloak they make their way to Fluffy, put him to sleep and go down the trapdoor, past plants, chessmen, and potions. In the book, Harry's first Quidditch training session takes place at 7:00 p.m., but in the film, it starts at daytime at an unknown period. This does not happen in the book, although Vernon orders Harry to remain in the cupboard. David Heyman When Harry, Ron and Hermione are heading to Hagrid's hut, near the end of the film, a group of three people behind them walk into another corridor. The book was first published on 26 June 19971 by Bloomsbury in London and was later made into a film of the same name. It is also the moment that signifies how loyal Ron and Hermione are to Harry, that even after not wishing for Harry to try such a plan, they are willing to go with him, not wanting Harry to go alone. Showing all 17 wins and 68 nominations. Yet after Vernon asks, "Who'd be writing to you?" Ron takes his wand out and starts for the door. In the film, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione fall into the Devil's Snare, Hermione and Harry escape by relaxing, and Hermione saves Ron with. in the shot of the owl dropping the letter which flies through the front door mail slot, the house to the left of the Dursleys' (when facing the front) has a two car garage, is not attached to the Dursley's house and is quite a bit away from the Dursleys' house as well. so she, Harry and Ron could hide from Filch and Mrs Norris. On the way to the Philosopher's Stone, each. As the houses are led back to their Common Rooms, Harry and Ron fight the troll and incapacitate it to save Hermione. In the film, Hermione is screaming onscreen under sink. 16 Mar 2020 Film gossip. Later Hagrid slips on the trio a name when confronted about his knowledge of Fluffy, Nicholas Flamel. While Harry watches, Hermione carefully examines the puzzle, determined to figure out which potion will allow them to move forward toward the stone, and which will let them go backward. When term resumes, the trio assume that someone is trying to get past the dog. Harry tries to escape but Quirrell starts a fire by clicking his fingers to prevent his escape. When Hagrid enters the hut on the rock, as well as when he leaves, the bare floor near the front door is clearly visible. In the film, Harry kills Quirrell by grabbing his face, causing him to turn to dust. When Ron says, "You're the youngest seeker in a century." Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first book from the series and create a magical scenario that urges people to read the next book and then the next; till the series come to an end, and yet it still leaves people craving for more. In the opening shot at the hut on the rock, when the camera pans down to Harry lying on the floor the long marks that are taped to the floor near the couch are visible. This is what knocked Harry out. Yet in the next close-up he holds the Daily Prophet in his left hand and the letters in his right. In the novel, Harry receives a wooden flute from Hagrid, a fifty pence piece from his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, a jumper from Molly Weasley, a large pack of Chocolate Frogs from Hermione and the Invisibility Cloak from Dumbledore. When Harry gets up, Voldemort's spirit forms and passes through Harry, knocking him unconscious before fleeing. Then in Chamber of Secrets, the house to the right (when facing the back) is attached once again in the same manner as at the start of this film with young Harry. When Harry is in the potions class he is caught writing notes down, we see his neat writing in close up ... but when the camera angle changes we can see that the writing has changed in size to very large letters and quite messy writing. RELATED: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 10 Things The Movie Changed From The Book. He then moves the mirror and advises Harry against searching for it again. Harry makes close friends and a few enemies during his first year at the school, and with the help of his friends, Harry faces an attempted comeback by the dark … But in the film, Hagrid is not present, having gone to buy. Director(s) In the book, Harry does not say "Thank you" to Hagrid when he gives him a birthday cake, but in the film, he does. One Hogwarts textbook, in particular, has a different name between the UK and the US version of the book. In the novel, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, each seizes a broomstick and kicks off into the air to chase the, In the book, the chess game depicts the pieces simply knocking each other out and dragging captured pieces off the edge of the board. Magisch, charmant, zauberhaft. Maybe because of time constraints or the price of the book being too expensive. The soundtrack was nominated for Best Original Score at the 74th Academy Awards. … The team's keeper, Oliver Wood, trains Harry and orients him of Quidditch. In the novel, Ron doesn't seem to know what the cloak is, but in the film he realises that it's an Invisibility Cloak when Harry puts it on. Harry is knocked out and could not have moved. View location maps, descriptions and location images A one-stop shop for all things video games. The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Hagrid, Hermione discovers that the dog is guarding the stone itself. In the next shot of Harry as he grips the broomstick, the wire that it hangs from is clearly visible at its bristles. By only watching the films, it is clear that Harry and Draco are each other's nemesis, and as much as Draco enjoys insulting Ron and Hermione, it makes it more fun for Draco when Harry is around. This list of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone actors includes any Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone actresses and all other actors from the film. During the feast, the students, having heard Quirrell's frightening complains of the troll, panic as they try to flee the Great Hall and Dumbledore silences them. For more Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone videos, check out the gallery. Followed by Harry wakes up at the school's hospital wing. $974 million In his next close-up, it is very apparent, due to the position of the scar, that part of it should have been visible on his forehead in the previous close-up. A few shots later, they pass on their right a man, with bushy grey sideburns, walking with a woman dressed in black, yet in the next shot that same man and woman are chatting in the doorway to the Owl Emporium on their left. Ron catches his mail, then holds the Daily Prophet in his right hand and the letters in his left. Dumbledore encounters Harry looking at the mirror and tells that it is the Mirror of Erised, which shows a desire of one's heart and how it could not help much when people wasted their lives after being driven mad by it. In the scene where Harry, Ron, and Hermione are on the staircase while the stair case changes, right before when they enter the forbidden floor, when the staircase stops and all three run up the stairs, you can see the staircase shaking in its position as they run because it is actually not a real staircase but a fake suspended one. Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone Audiobook is a popular Mysterious Novel Book written by JK Rowling.The book was originally published on June 26, 1997.The is First (01) in the popular Harry Potter Audiobook Series.It follows the genre of Novel, Children’s literature, High fantasy, Fantasy Fiction.The book has a rating of 5 Star Review on GoodReads. Unaware of what they are celebrating, Vernon hears bits and pieces of conversation referring to James, Lily, and Harry Potter and their connection to the fall of Lord Voldemort. The order that the characters are seen or mentioned is from the American version of the book. In the book, Harry's receives his Nimbus 2000 before his first training session with Oliver Wood and before his encounter with the troll but in the film, he receives his broom after these two events occur. In the novel, McGonagall mentioned to Harry in front of Oliver Wood that, The scene where Malfoy challenged Harry to a duel, but had actually tricked him by tipping off Filch was omitted. Despite being rated PG, the only graphic scene in the film is when Harry disintegrates Quirrell's face. Harry begins learning wizardry and discovers more about his past and his parents. During the Quidditch match as the players ride their broomsticks, visible in quite a few shots are the two wires that are attached to the broom handle, between their legs, that extend down with a clamped loop that goes around their feet. Remains vanished few shots after that, still walking, Harry finds the Stone itself is again. Neville breaks his wrist, Draco Malfoy says he might leave Neville 's nephew of Vernon and.. When Hedwig lands in front of the gun and bends it upwards only the time is unknown because the can... ’ s Stone flute that would put Fluffy to sleep, as he grips the broomstick the! 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