However, Ben and Luke had a strong bond and loved each other deeply; when Ben saw this moment of weakness, he was pushed closer to the Dark Side than ever before. I mean George Lucas did say Luke is the strongest Jedi to ever exist. The Mandalorians call him Revan the Butcher. When he’s trapped with Yoda on Dagobah, both Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Force ghost argue with Luke that he’s not ready to stop training as a Jedi. And that was it. However, franchise’s greatest battles, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker had a massive duel fighting against one another seemingly for the last time. to die — unless he reaches out to someone else. Luke Skywalker invaded the station and was brought to the Emperor by Vader. Later on, Obi-Wan Kenobi reaches out to Luke through the Force, informing Luke that, yes, Like when Luke thought that taking his own life was the preferable choice over letting Vader corrupt him, Luke fears what could happen if Ben Solo embraced the darkness inside of him. So sit back and enjoy our list of the 16 Most Powerful Jedi In The Star Wars Universe. This truth makes Luke realize that his father has committed atrocities, and thus he fears himself capable of the same thing. Revan was then declared Hero of The Republic and Savior of the Republic. I was sure that he would easily be top 3 but isnt even on the list?! 2.Obi-Wan-Kenobi. The Skywalkers were crucial to the fate of the galaxy, and although most Star Wars fans are familiar only with the members from the 9-film saga — Shmi, Anakin, Luke, Leia, and Ben, Legends has expanded the family tree, adding some unforgettable characters to it. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Obi-Wan wants Luke’s help to stop Obi-Wan, but this isn’t what Luke wants, nor is it what he knows. In his fear, Luke thinks he should destroy Ben before Ben can kill anybody else. They tortured him for a year, and he ended up slipping to the Dark Side of the Force. He maintained a polygamous relationship with five spouses and seven children, although he tried never to bond with them. Reven 7. Answer: I would say Darth Zannah and Darth Talon as for Sith, Mara Jade, and Shira Brie for Jedi. Answer: If you're considering manipulating the Force, Luke still holds 1st Place, but the rest of the list changes substantially. Would she be on this list if you swapped her out for someone else? Question: Who is the sexiest Jedi and Sith? Like when Luke thought that taking his own life was the preferable choice over letting Vader corrupt him, Luke fears what could happen if Ben Solo embraced the darkness inside of him. If locked in a duel, Ezra has a much better chance of coming out the winner than Luke. 5. Obi wan, 4. He had the highest midicolorian count is higher than any Jedi! Luke Skywalker grows up with no idea of his true heritage. After the war, she began climbing the Jedi Ranks and became the head of all the Jedi Order. He then departed because he felt the menace of the true Sith approaching and he never returned. Question: Does the Star Wars Legends trilogy including Leia and Han’s Kids tie into the Disney Star Wars trilogy? There are a lot of other force users that definitely have special abilities/swordsmanship that can best Luke. Yoda is the most powerful Jedi until Luke. Recognized by the Jedi Order as an amazing military strategist, Revan extremely charismatic and influential. Luke is probably the most iconic of the Jedi as we get to watch his entire path, from random farmhand who can't wiggle a rock to Jedi Master that has the entire universe searching for him. Assuming there will be a Jedi who does that – even Ahsoka offers that there might not be one – Luke Skywalker appears to be the strongest possibility. @Ashoka try hard An Anakin fanboy, you are. Instead, he only gets a few extra years with Han and Leia before everything goes wrong. Now an orphan, Luke has no choice but to leave Tatooine, the only home he’s ever known, behind. She was vital in ending the Great Sith War. These comics and books are legends, and are not confirmed to have happened, so could simply be mythology made by Luke fans. Answer: He's at the top, just not number 1. 1.Grand master Yoda. Revan was the only figure in history that was neither Jedi nor Sith. Especially Anakin, considering that Obi-Wan made it. If the Jedi needed someone for a mission that required lots of lightsaber combat and a special commando able to subdue enemies with overwhelming numbers, Plo Koon was the choice. As it is, she ended up being the strongest female Jedi ever! He began training in the ways of the Force at age 13 with his twin sister, Jaina Solo, on Yavin 4, taught by his uncle, Luke Skywalker. Well, what about princess leia I don't see her on this list. Answer: If you consider the Disney version he is just an idiot and a muppet, but if you consider Lucas Star Wars, he is a GOD. 16 Corran Horn. They are both legends that deserver the top 5, if not top 10. And half didn't survive the purge. During the Clone Wars, he fought in the front lines against countless droid armies and almost died in a lightsaber duel against General Grievous. Where is Anakin? On his ultimate night, Mace Windu joined Kit Fisto and went to arrest Senator Palpatine. But in canon I'd have to say it's Yoda. First of all, he had more skill. Answer: By reading all of the books and watching all the movies (Pre-Disney). Anakin has highest midchlorian count than anyother jedi!!!! Question: Why does everyone choose Obi-Wan Kenobi? 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? Re: Who is the greatest Jedi of all time? Luke Skywalker The Tatooine-born Luke Skywalker remains one of Star Wars ’ most iconic figures. Luke skywalker, 6. galen marek aka starkiller, 7. arkan, 8. thexan-those two are hella strong, probably strongest. ... Luke is the greatest Jedi ever, in every conceivable way, imo. Under Jedi Master Thon, she become a full-fledged Jedi Knight. In terms of legends, Luke is the strongest and most skilled no debate. Therefore, he took the leap. At 900 plus years old what do you have to lose, unless he saw and understood he had a much longer and detrimental role in the future of the continuation of the Jedi returning (training Luke Skywalker), I would have imagined Yoda fighting to the death. RELATED: Legends Of Luke Skywalker: 10 Original Characters From The Star Wars Manga. Thus I concur that Luke is "THE" most powerful Jedi. He was also one of the last members of the High Jedi Council. The young man shouldn’t be strong enough to combat somebody like Darth Vader, but Luke is able to land a blow on Vader’s shoulder. And not just the best in the galaxy, the best to ever exist. Anakin Skywalker. He lost his arm against darth and you still think Luke should be first. When he started out Luke's greatest accomplishment was being able to lift some rocks, now he's able to do all sorts of crazy things. Obi-Wan Kenobi, later known as Ben Kenobi, was a legendary Jedi who shaped the galaxy with his decisions. 4. The choice to become a Jedi would forever change Luke Skywalker's life, and not in exclusively positive ways. where Anakin at. He was a "grey force user" that lived through his vision of the Living Force (and even taught Yoda about it in order to become one with the Force and hence, become a force spirit). Forced my old padawan to flee in 40 seconds, I did. Although, Luke definitely doesn’t deserve the title of strongest Jedi/force users. Luke remains in exile for many years after Ben Solo’s corruption and fall to the Dark Side. Now this is not referring to Luke or Palpatine, but to the strongest era of Jedi. Learn about the 10 most powerful Sith ever. Anakin would be on strongest Sith. His saber had a purple crystal that toned his blade that particular color. Answer: Unfortunately, even before EU and Legends were deemed not cannon, Starkiller was NEVER canon so I didn't approach him. Anakin is stronger in the force than Luke. Leia Organa — his sister, though he doesn’t know it for some time — and Han Solo mean more to him than anybody else in the galaxy. Or look at the old republic. Anakin was way stronger than Luke. Leia was already involved in the conflict; in fact, Alderaan was destroyed before Luke was even introduced to Leia’s life. Bastilla came to her senses and used her battle meditation to facilitate the Republic's fleet attack on the Star Forge. I don't agree with Cobalt's interpretation of Yoda sending Luke as a sacrificial lamb. In addition, Vader gets involved even in smaller relationships, like the friendship between Lando Calrissian and Han Solo. When Plo Koon saw his master go down, he rallied the other fighters and led a miraculous victory against overwhelming odds. Like Plo Koon, he was an exceptional pilot, with the X-Wing as his bird of choice. Question: Why isn't Anakin on this list of strongest Jedi of all time? Instead, he was just someone that always did what was right. It’s only after Luke Skywalker learns the truth about his father — that he was not killed by Darth Vader, but is Darth Vader — that he realizes how far the Jedi influence has woven itself through his life. Answer: Ezra would be a good candidate for the Top 25 List, however, he just doesn't make the cut for Top 10. Abandoned with only R2-D2 and his X-wing, Luke has to try and find Dagobah all on his own. Master Ki-Adi Mundi was a shock Jedi. Question: Why have you not mentioned Anakin Skywalker OR Qui-Gon Jin? He, like Ki-Adi Mundi, was one of the generals who led the clone army against the droid army. Question: Isn't Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, and Jaina Solo all legends? Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Qui-gon Jinn should have been on this list, he was, in my opinion, one of the wisest Jedi of all time. It is a pre-Disney list. She battled against Exar Kun, one of the best Sith Lords ever. You could debate that Luke is stronger, based off of what he did in TLJ. He then had the vision that changed his life: He saw the future and discovered that if he didn't join the Sith, he would kill his uncle, Luke Skywalker, and the galaxy would be consumed. After that incident, the Vongs managed to capture Jacen. On that evening, at the hands of the Sith Master, Kit Fisto perished. He was a High Jedi General and considered to be the best Jedi Lightsaber wielder ever. 1. He is clever, strategic knowledgeable. But honestly, he also deserves it. Are just a mainstream new trio fan and have looked into nothing g else Star Wars related or 2. Palpatine watched in delight as Darth Vader and his son Luke dueled each other. My fav charcter is Maul on June 01, 2020: mace windu would have killed palpatine if anakin hadn't have chopped his hand off while he was fighting palpatine plus mace is better than yoda at lightsaber combat, Ok, people say they Anakin was the chosen one though he is, Luke is the chosen one because Luke was the one to destroy the Sith, Emm? Upon her defeat, Bastilla told Revan everything and asked him to turn to the Dark Side and assume his rightful position with her on his side. They encourage everyone reading this to question everything, stay hydrated, and treat others with kindness. So she didn’t even complete her training. However, this is not the case. I never understood how did he lose to Darth Maul, considering Yoda respected him as one of the most skillfull lightsaber duelist in the galaxy, but I'm pretty sure he could beat Plo-Kon or Kit for example in 2vs1 by himself. Another thing that contributes further to Obi-Wan's power is his intelligence. I cannot believe that Barley ant voted for Kit Fisto. He belonged to the Jedi Council, but did not join at the Council's first request (he refused the first request, believing that another Jedi with a stronger mind (Qui-Gon) should be the chosen). Not about someone training to be Jedi but turned to dark side and then became very powerful...Anakin was powerful but not most before he got hat and lightsaber up his keester by Obi-Wan... Read title of thread! Sjuttiosju. Because she left the Jedi order before she even became a Knight iirc. Ok don't come at me because in know she left the order and was only a padwan but she is technically a grey Jedi in rebels so why isn't ahsoka part of this?? Why is ashoka tano not in the list ??????????????? Darth Vader is so enraged by Luke Skywalker that he lashes out and uses his lightsaber to slice clean through Luke’s arm, removing his right hand. When they were on an excursion, they were trapped by a vile Hutt's fighters who needed the precious stones that Andur was carrying. The Future Of The Jedi Order And Episode 9 By the end of The Last Jedi, the original 'most powerful Jedi', Luke Skywalker, has sacrificed himself with a final display of incredible power, Kylo Ren has taken over the First Order, and Rey is in possession of the sacred texts of the Jedi Order and some basic training from Skywalker himself. Luke founded the New Jedi Order and began training Jedi again. He was Kreia's Padawan, recognized by the Jedi Order as their greatest champion and an amazing military strategist. Obi Wan and Luke tie since Obi Wan was a proven lightsaber duelist and any feats Luke accomplished with a lightsaber Obi Wan did as well. He should be #1. Who wouldda thunk it, 6 of the the 10 strongest Jedi of all time were all on the high Council at the time of the prequels. Ki Adi Mundi 10. the grand master of the order in the times of the old republic. If it werent for that he would be listed as #1 for sure. Unfortunately for Luke, his entire life is dictated by choices that the Force, destiny, or the Jedi make for him. NEXT: 10 Things You Didn't Know Happened To Luke Skywalker Between Episodes 5 & 6. Even when Luke Skywalker thinks he has nobody else, he has his brand-new family. Jacen was against violence and preferred not to fight in the front lines in the war against the Vongs (a race that nearly destroyed the New Republic), but he accepted to join an assassination task force led by his brother, Anakin. Eventually, he died and became one with the Force. However, Luke’s involvement in their lives only makes certain things worse. Plo Koon and his master, Tyvokka, were awesome starfighter pilots who were chosen to do a space mission to negotiate with Stark forces during the Stark Hyperspace War. She was certainly far more precocious in her knowledge of the Force than Luke at about the same age. Answer: This list is Pre-Disney, as constantly mentioned. Mundi was also granted an exception by the Jedi Council on the personal side of his life. And, like Ki-Adi Mundi, Festo dueled the dark Jedi assassin, Asajj Ventress. His Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru took him in; he knew they weren’t his biological parents, but they were his parents in every way that mattered. Nicole currently resides in Massachusetts with their husband and two best friends. We’ve yet to see everything Rey can do, but she’s been a Force-user all her life. Anakin is the most powerful Jedi of all time. but luke shouldn't be number one, darth vader should. Yoda 2.Mace Windu 3. She watched as Qel-Droma slew his own brother, and, crying in pain, she used her immense power to sever Qel-Droma's connection with the Force. 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