Jainism is an Indian religion of Dharma whose doctrine revolves around harmlessness (ahimsa) towards every living being. In Sanskrit origin the meaning of name Anumegha is : Following the rain . Click the icon to enable a popup keybord and you can toggle between देवनागरी and IAST characters. DNA test information. 1a) Megha (मेघ).—A Rākṣasa in Sutalam. Acoording to vedic astrology, Rashi for the name Megha is Simha or Sinh and Moon sign associated with the name Megha is Leo. View Complete Detail Of name Megha , Odia Baby Names Megha . Type sandhi: and a phrase to search for the sandhi of the two words example. ˚अनुलासिन्, अनुलासकः a peacock. Sanskrit Names for Boys Starting with M. Hey, Congratulations for your Newborn. -पङ्क्तिः, -माला, -राजिः f. a line of clouds; प्रथमं मेघराजिः पञ्चाद् बिद्युल्लता V.2. three origins: from fire, brahmajā and pakṣaja clouds. -giri and -parvata), 10) n. talc, [cf. him. 1c) A commande… meghamāna) ‘sprinkler’, a cloud, [Ṛg-veda] etc. and (is named) ‘liberation’ as it liberates strength (in man) ; for the moon (is) strong then because of its being soma-like, (while) the sun declines, the surface of the earth showing heat tempered by cool clouds (megha), rains, and winds.”. Svayambhū or Svayambhūdeva (8th or 9th century) was a Jain householder who probably lived in Karnataka. Submit Information on This Forename for a Chance to Win a $100 Genealogy DNA Test. Ends with (+46): Amegha, Amritamegha, Ashanimegha, Audamegha, Bhagiratha megha, Buddhamegha, Candanamegha, Chandanamegha, Dhammikasilamegha, Dharmabhaskarashrimegha, Dharmakusumaketudhvajamegha, Dharmamandalapatalamegha, Dharmamegha, Dharmapadmapraphullitashrimegha, Dharmaratnakusumashrimegha, Dharmarchinagaramegha, Dharmarcinagaramegha, Dharmashikharadhvajamegha, Drishyamegha, Dronamegha. The meaning of Megha is "cloud". dust in the air vanish, so does the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path destroy N.B. -आख्यम् talc. -4 A fragrant grass. A demon, a goblin. 2. Tibetan Buddhism includes schools such as Nyingma, Kadampa, Kagyu and Gelug. Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. *meigh-, fog, rain; cp. -वर्णा the Indigo plant. Original Monier-Williams data courtesy of Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexion. Megha (मेघ) is a Sanskrit word referring to a “cloud”. Sanskrit is an ancient language and was one of the first languages to be spoken in India. Meaning of Indian name: Megha. Lexicographers, esp. rain clouds, so does the Noble Eightfold Path disperse all Ill. S.v.50. -डम्बरः thunder. ; Śikṣāsamuccaya 36.14 (quotation from Gaṇḍavyūha 76.26); 95.6 (allusion to events of Gaṇḍavyūha 73.14 ff.). -जः a large pearl. -द्वारम् the sky, atmosphere. -गर्जनम्, -गर्जना thunder. -सारः a kind of camphor. Origin: Sanskrit. 22; Vāyu-purāṇa 50. Select Jurisdictions. -आनन्दिन् m. a peacock. Megha is a Hindu Girl name and it is Hindi originated name with multiple meanings. 33; 125. Carson is a unisex given name. S.v.50. -आगमः the approach of rains, the rainy season; नवाम्बुमत्ताः शिखिनो नदन्ति मेघागमे कुन्दसमानदन्ति Ghaṭ. Megha is a popular first name. Like the Vibhrama it is generally employed by the Apabhraṃśa poets as Hemacandra tells us. A king of long ago; a previous birth of Discover the meaning of megha in the context of Tibetan Buddhism from relevant books on Exotic India. Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. The teachings in this text originate from Mañjuśrī and were taught to and by Buddha Śākyamuni in the presence of a large audience (including Megha). ], 5) Name of a king ([plural] of a dynasty), [Viṣṇu-purāṇa], 6) of an author (= -bhagīratha), [Catalogue(s)], 7) of a poet, [ib.] The name Megha having moon sign as Leo is represented by The Lion and considered as Fixed. Parents want to name their children after the gods they worship. If you want a system software for typing easily in देवनागरी or IAST you can download our software called SanskritWriter. -ज्योतिस् m., n. lightning. 16-35. Meghna Kothari is an Indian actress. It […] Tags: First name, France, Male, Scottish-Gaelic. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres. A submission from India says the name Megha means "Clouds" and is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin. -वर्त्मन् n. the atmosphere. etc. Numerology Meghana Name Numerological Number is : 4 . Select your prefered input and type any Sanskrit or English word. Megha . -चिन्तकः the Chātaka bird. ], 3) (in music) a [particular] Rāga, [Colebrooke], 4) a Rākṣasa (? such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. parjanyakālaḥ, prāvṛṭkālaḥ, vṛṣṭikālaḥ, meghāgamaḥ, meghākālaḥ, meghasamayaḥ, ghanasamayaḥ, jaladāgamaḥ, bhārate deśe vṛṣṭeḥ hetubhūtāt bhāratīyamahāsāgarāt vān vāyuḥ।, aiṣamaḥ parjanyavāyoḥ vilambena kṛṣiḥ durgatā।, indradhanuḥ, indracāpaḥ, śakradhanus, indrāyudham, devāyudham, śakraśarāsanam, meghadhanuḥ, suradhanuḥ, maṇidhanuḥ, vāyuphalam, dhanuṣyam, kauśikāyudham, parāmṛtam, saptavarṇayuktam ardhavṛttaṃ yad varṣākāle ākāśe sūryasya prāṅdiśi dṛśyate।, indradhanuṣā varṣākālasya śobhā vardhate।, nirabhra, anabhra, meghahīna, anākāśa, apaghana, amegha, nirabhre ākāśe rātrau nakṣatramaṇaḍalaṃ śobhate।, jalam, vāri, ambu, ambhaḥ, payaḥ, salilam, sarilam, udakam, udam, jaḍam, payas, toyam, pānīyam, āpaḥ, nīram, vāḥ, pāthas, kīlālam, annam, apaḥ, puṣkaram, arṇaḥ, peyam, salam, saṃvaram, śaṃvaram, saṃmbam, saṃvatsaram, saṃvavaraḥ, kṣīram, pāyam, kṣaram, kamalam, komalam, pīvā, amṛtam, jīvanam, jīvanīyam, bhuvanam, vanam, kabandham, kapandham, nāram, abhrapuṣpam, ghṛtam, kaṃ, pīppalam, kuśam, viṣam, kāṇḍam, savaram, saram, kṛpīṭam, candrorasam, sadanam, karvuram, vyoma, sambaḥ, saraḥ, irā, vājam, tāmarasa, kambalam, syandanam, sambalam, jalapītham, ṛtam, ūrjam, komalam, somam, andham, sarvatomukham, meghapuṣpam, ghanarasaḥ, vahnimārakaḥ, dahanārātiḥ, nīcagam, kulīnasam, kṛtsnam, kṛpīṭam, pāvanam, śaralakam, tṛṣāham, kṣodaḥ, kṣadmaḥ, nabhaḥ, madhuḥ, purīṣam, akṣaram, akṣitam, amba, aravindāni, sarṇīkam, sarpiḥ, ahiḥ, sahaḥ, sukṣema, sukham, surā, āyudhāni, āvayāḥ, induḥ, īm, ṛtasyayoniḥ, ojaḥ, kaśaḥ, komalam, komalam, kṣatram, kṣapaḥ, gabhīram, gambhanam, gahanam, janma, jalāṣam, jāmi, tugryā, tūyam, tṛptiḥ, tejaḥ, sadma, srotaḥ, svaḥ, svadhā, svargāḥ, svṛtikam, haviḥ, hema, dharuṇam, dhvasmanvatu, nāma, pavitram, pāthaḥ, akṣaram, pūrṇam, satīnam, sat, satyam, śavaḥ, śukram, śubham, śambaram, vūsam, vṛvūkam, vyomaḥ, bhaviṣyat, vapuḥ, varvuram, varhiḥ, bhūtam, bheṣajam, mahaḥ, mahat, mahaḥ, mahat, yaśaḥ, yahaḥ, yāduḥ, yoniḥ, rayiḥ, rasaḥ, rahasaḥ, retam, sindhuhimavarṣādiṣu prāptaḥ dravarupo padārthaḥ yaḥ pāna-khāna-secanādyartham upayujyate।, jalaṃ jīvanasya ādhāram। /ajīrṇe jalam auṣadhaṃ jīrṇe balapradam। āhārakāle āyurjanakaṃ bhuktānnopari rātrau na peyam।, nabhaḥ, gaganam, ākāśaḥ, ambaram, abhram, dyoḥ, dyauḥ, puṣkaram, antarīkṣam, antarikṣam, anantam, yuravartmam, khaṃ, viyat, viṣṇupadam, vihāyaḥ, nākaḥ, anaṅgaḥ, nabhasam, meghaveśma, mabāvilam, marudvartama, meghavartma, triviṣṭapam, abbhaṃ, meghaḥ, abhramam, vārivāhaḥ, stanayitnuḥ, balābakaḥ, dhārādharaḥ, jaladharaḥ, taḍitvān, vāridaḥ, ambubhṛt, ghanaḥ, jīmūtaḥ, mudiraḥ, jalamuk, dhūmayoniḥ, abhram, payodharaḥ, ambhodharaḥ, vyomadhūmaḥ, ghanāghanaḥ, vāyudāruḥ, nabhaścaraḥ, kandharaḥ, kandhaḥ, nīradaḥ, gaganadhvajaḥ, vārisuk, vārmuk, vanasuk, abdaḥ, parjanyaḥ, nabhogajaḥ, madayitnuḥ, kadaḥ, kandaḥ, gaveḍuḥ, gadāmaraḥ, khatamālaḥ, vātarathaḥ, śnetanīlaḥ, nāgaḥ, jalakaraṅkaḥ, pecakaḥ, bhekaḥ, darduraḥ, ambudaḥ, toyadaḥ, ambuvābaḥ, pāthodaḥ, gadāmbaraḥ, gāḍavaḥ, vārimasiḥ, adriḥ, grāvā, gotraḥ, balaḥ, aśnaḥ, purubhojāḥ, valiśānaḥ, aśmā, parvataḥ, giriḥ, vrajaḥ, caruḥ, varāhaḥ, śambaraḥ, rauhiṇaḥ, raivataḥ, phaligaḥ, uparaḥ, upalaḥ, camasaḥ, arhiḥ, dṛtiḥ, odanaḥ, vṛṣandhiḥ, vṛtraḥ, asuraḥ, kośaḥ, pṛthvīstha-jalam yad sūryasya ātapena bāṣparupaṃ bhūtvā ākāśe tiṣṭhati jalaṃ siñcati ca।, kālidāsena meghaḥ dūtaḥ asti iti kalpanā kṛtā, indraḥ, devarājaḥ, jayantaḥ, ṛṣabhaḥ, mīḍhvān, marutvān, maghavā, viḍojā, pākaśāsanaḥ, vṛddhaśravāḥ, sunāsīraḥ, puruhūtaḥ, purandaraḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, lekharṣabhaḥ, śakraḥ, śatamanyuḥ, divaspatiḥ, sutrāmā, gotrabhit, vajrī, vāsavaḥ, vṛtrahā, vṛṣā, vāstospatiḥ, surapatiḥ, balārātiḥ, śacīpatiḥ, jambhabhedī, harihayaḥ, svārāṭ, namucisūdanaḥ, saṃkrandanaḥ, duścyavanaḥ, turāṣāṭ, meghavāhanaḥ, ākhaṇḍalaḥ, sahastrākṣaḥ, ṛbhukṣā, mahendraḥ, kośikaḥ, pūtakratuḥ, viśvambharaḥ, hariḥ, purudaṃśā, śatadhṛtiḥ, pṛtanāṣāḍ, ahidviṣaḥ, vajrapāṇiḥ, devarājaḥ, parvatāriḥ, paryaṇyaḥ, devatādhipaḥ, nākanāthaḥ, pūrvadikkapatiḥ, pulomāriḥ, arhaḥ, pracīnavarhiḥ, tapastakṣaḥ, biḍaujāḥ, arkaḥ, ulūkaḥ, kaviḥ, kauśikaḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, sā devatā yā svargasya adhipatiḥ iti manyate।, cātakaḥ, stokakaḥ, sāraṅgaḥ, meghajīvanaḥ, tokakaḥ, śāraṅgaḥ, khagaviśeṣaḥ saḥ khagaḥ yaḥ varṣāyāṃ ṛtau tathā ca vasante ṛtau sumadhuraṃ gāyati।, varuṇaḥ, pracetāḥ, pāśī, yādasāṃpatiḥ, appatiḥ, yādaḥpatiḥ, apāṃpatiḥ, jambukaḥ, meghanādaḥ, jaleśvaraḥ, parañjayaḥ, daityadevaḥ, jīvanāvāsaḥ, nandapālaḥ, vārilomaḥ, kuṇḍalī, rāmaḥ, sukhāśaḥ, kaviḥ, keśaḥ, ekā vaidikī devatā yā jalasya adhipatiḥ asti iti manyate।, vedeṣu varuṇasya pūjanasya vidhānam asti।, meghanādaḥ, indrajit, meghanāthaḥ, indradamanaḥ, śakrajit, indradamanaḥ, rāvaṇasya saḥ putraḥ yena indraḥ parājitaḥ।, vajram, kuliśam, bhaduram, paviḥ, śatakoṭiḥ, svaruḥ, śambaḥ, dambholiḥ, aśaniḥ, kulīśam, bhidiram, bhiduḥ, svarus, sambaḥ, saṃvaḥ, aśanī, vajrāṃśaniḥ, jambhāriḥ, tridaśāyudham, śatadhāram, śatāram, āpotram, akṣajam, girikaṇṭakaḥ, gauḥ, abhrottham, meghabhūtiḥ, girijvaraḥ, jāmbaviḥ, dambhaḥ, bhidraḥ, ambujam, hlādinī, didyut, nemiḥ, hetiḥ, namaḥ. -नामन् m. a kind of grass (Cyperus Rotundus, भद्रमुस्ता). Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information. Ap.i.109. -3 N. of Indrajit, son of Rāvaṇa; भक्तिप्रह्वं कथमपि यवीयांसमुत्सृज्य चापारोपव्यग्राङ्गुलिकिसलयं मेघनादक्षयाय Mv.6.37. -पथः atmosphere. Know Rashi, Nakshatra, Religion, Gender, Similar Names, Name stories, funny talk and Variant Names for name Megha Discover the meaning of megha in the context of Chandas from relevant books on Exotic India. Denotes ‘cloud’ in the Rigveda and later. Lexicographers, esp. -मोदिनी Eugenia Jambolana (Mar. -4 the Palāśa tree. -जालम् 1 a dense mass of clouds. Sanskrit Dictionary understands and transcodes देवनागर्-ई IAST, Harvard-Kyoto, SLP1, ITRANS. Majjha). The two major branches (Digambara and Svetambara) of Jainism stimulate self-control (or, shramana, ‘self-reliance’) and spiritual development through a path of peace for the soul to progess to the ultimate goal. मेघः [मेहति वर्षति जलम्, मिह्-घञ् कुत्वम्] 1 A cloud; कुर्वन्नञ्जनमेचका इव दिशो मेघः समुत्तिष्ठते Mk.5.23,2,3 &c. -2 A mass, multitude. Type root: and a word to do a root search only for the word. Meghaduta is separated into two parts – Purvamegha (Previous cloud) and Uttaramegha (Consequent cloud). — Dictionary of Given Names with Origins and Meanings (1934) by Flora Haines Loughead. -2 N. of a metre; see App. Esotericism and tantra techniques (vajrayāna) are collected indepently. Megha (v.l. -माल, -मालिन् a. cloud-capt. It comes from an Irish and Scottish surname, which is of unknown meaning. 2 A certain edible substance said to be obtained (and prepared by fire in a suitable receptacle) from the air during the prevalence of a dense fog. Meghna Reddy is an Indian model and veejay for Channel V. Meghna River is an important river in Bangladesh, one of the three that forms the Ganges Delta, the largest on earth fanning out to the Bay of Bengal. -नादः 1 the roar of clouds, thunder. See meda°. *, 1g) Ety. It is of special interest because the hero is a historical figure, King Agnimitra, whose father, Pushhpamitra, wrested the kingship of northern India from the Mauryan king Brihadratha about 185 B.C. Sun is the Ruling Planet for the name Megha. ); (2) name of another Bodhisattva, a Dravidian (dramiḍa): Gaṇḍavyūha 2.7; 72.13 ff. Meaning: Cloud. cloudless, rainless. mist=Oicel mistr “mist”) a cloud Pv. Angelsname - World's Largest Baby Collection . Works of Kalidasa: Plays – There are three plays, the earliest of which is probably the Malavikaagnimitra ( Malavikaa and Agnimitra), a work concerned with palace intrigue. mēgha (मेघ).—m (S) A cloud. Borrowed from Sanskrit मेघ (meghá), from Proto-Indo-Iranian *Hmaygʰás, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃moygʰ-ós, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃meygʰ- (“fog, mist, cloud”). -आटोपः a dense or thick cloud. -रवः thunder. It is more often used as a unisex (male and female) name. mighá fog, Dutch miggelen to drizzle, also Ags. -आनन्दा a kind of crane. Discover the meaning of megha in the context of Pali from relevant books on Exotic India. Name Detail Of Megha With Meaning , Origin and Numorology . -Comp. We have found 32 matching girls names for the blend of Vikrant + Megha in Sanskrit Category. According to a user from India, the name Megha means "Cloud". Discover the meaning of megha in the context of Marathi from relevant books on Exotic India, Megha (मेघ).—[mehati varṣati jalam, mih-ghañ kutvam]. 30; DhA. There are currently 2647 sanskrit girl names to choose from for your baby. “yoga”. Starts with (+193): Megha bhatta, Megha deva, Meghabaddha, Meghabala, Meghabba, Meghabha, Meghabhagiratha, Meghabhagiratha thakkura, Meghabhagirathathakkura, Meghabhatta, Meghabhuti, Meghabhyudaya, Meghacandrashishya, Meghacchadita, Meghacchanna, Meghachchhadita, Meghachchhann, Meghachintaka, Meghacintaka, Meghadambara. -रावः a kind of water-bird. 1. for example śakt?m will give all words that have something in place of the ?. Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). “yoga”. -प्रसरः, -प्रसवः water. See also (Relevant definitions) Partial matches: Megha, Aloka. 3. Megha (मेघ) refers to “clouds” and is mentioned in verse 3.6 of the Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā (Sūtrasthāna) by Vāgbhaṭa.—Accordingly, “[...] the southern course (of the sun comprises) the seasons monsoon, etc. sṛkaḥ, vṛkaḥ, vadhaḥ, arkaḥ, kutasaḥ , kuliśaḥ, tujaḥ, tigmam, meniḥ, svadhitiḥ sāyakaḥ, paraśuḥ, vidyut, taḍit, vajrasphuliṅgaḥ, śampā, śatahradā, hrādinī, airāvatī, kṣaṇaprabhā, taḍit, saudāminī, cañcalā, capalā, vījā, saudāmnī, cilamīlikā, sarjjūḥ, aciraprabhā, saudāmanī, asthirā, meghaprabhā, aśaniḥ, vajrā, pṛthivyāḥ vāyumaṇḍalasthāyāḥ vaidyutāyāḥ ūrjāyāḥ utsargaḥ yad meghānāṃ gharṣaṇāt prādurbhavati tathā ca ākāśe prakāśaṃ tathā ca ghoṣadhvaniṃ janayati।, mayūraḥ, kalāpī, varhiṇaḥ, varhī, śikhī, śikhābalaḥ, śikhaṇḍī, śikhādhāraḥ, śikhādharaḥ, nīlakaṇṭhaḥ, śyāmakaṇṭhaḥ, śuklāpāṅgaḥ, sitāpāṅgaḥ, bhujaṅgabhuk, bhujaṅgabhojī, bhujaṅgahā, bhujagābhojī, bhujagadāraṇaḥ, pracalākī, candrakī, bhujagāntakaḥ, bhujagāśanaḥ, sarpāśanaḥ, kekī, nartakaḥ, nartanapriyaḥ, meghānandī, meghasuhṛd, meghanādānulāsī, varṣāmadaḥ, citramekhala, citrapicchakaḥ, kumāravāhī, rājasārasaḥ, kāntapakṣī, śukrabhuk, śāpaṭhikaḥ, dārvaṇḍaḥ, hariḥ, khagaviśeṣaḥ- saḥ śobhanaḥ khagaḥ yasya pucchaṃ dīrgham asti।, mayūraḥ bhāratasya rāṣṭriyaḥ khagaḥ asti।. (-ष्पः) N. of one of the 4 horses of Viṣṇu. Enclose the word in “” for an EXACT match e.g. 22. -आलोकः the appearance or sight of clouds; मेघालोके भवति सुखिनो$प्यन्यथावृत्ति चेतः Me.3. ThigA.138. Person with name Meghana has following quality: Person With Number Four Are Stable, Rigid, Sure-footed, Determined To Reach Their Goals In A Straight Line. Megha (मेघ).—[masculine] cloud, [abstract] tva† [neuter]. Alternate names include Meghana, Meghna. Megha name meaning in Sanskrit, popularity and rank stands at 778 and lucky number for Megha is 7. Megha is a pure varṇa-vṛtta having in its line 1 Ra, followed by 4 Ma Gaṇas. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]. Please use the quick menu. Pronunciation of Megha with 2 audio pronunciations and more for Megha. -भूतिः a thunderbolt. of Indra; N. of a prince of Cashmere; -samdesa, m.=-dûta; -stanita, n.thunder; -hîna, pp. -आच्छादित a. covered with clouds. 3 Applied to Hoarfrost. miḥ mist; Av. Megha (मेघ):—(ghaḥ) 1. m. A cloud; fragrant grass; a demon, a goblin. A cloud. e. mih + a, m. 1. n. (-ghaṃ) Talc. to our Meghadatta, q.v. ac, and the final changed. *Matsya-purāṇa 2. fat-coloured stones). ], 9) of a mountain (cf. (Page 540). Usage: Megha, of sanskrit origin, is a popular first name. Meaning of the name Megha, analysis of the name Megha and so much more… What does Megha mean and its numerology, definition, origin, popularity and very interesting information. 132.—On megha in similes see J. P. T. S. 1907, 124, 125. -संघातः an assemblage of clouds. * 1. Dhajadayaka Thera. See photos of people, babies with name Megha. It describes how a yakṣa (or nature spirit), who had been banished by his master to a remote region for a year, asked a cloud to take a message of love to his wife. Angelsname - World's Largest Baby Collection . Their primary canon of literature is divided in two broad categories: The Kangyur, which consists of Buddha’s words, and the Tengyur, which includes commentaries from various sources. Sk. -अस्थि n. hail. According to a user from India, the name Megha is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin and means "Love". Discover the meaning of megha in the context of Ayurveda from relevant books on Exotic India. Name Detail Of Megha With Meaning , Origin and Numorology . Megha is a name of Hindu / Indian origin, and is commonly used for females. Megha. *Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa II. 1. Origin: Scottish-Gaelic. -दूतम् N. of a celebrated poem by Kālidāsa. -वह्निः lightning. Megha means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, Marathi, Hindi. A fragrant grass. His work recounts the popular Rāma story as known from the older work Rāmāyaṇa (written by Vālmīki). About Baby. In Sanskrit origin the meaning of name Meghana is : Cloud . 3. —nātha having clouds as protectors (said with ref. Grammar Search "megha" has 1 results. A cloud, [Pañcatantra] 169, 6. You can type in any of the Sanskrit transliteration systems you are familiar with and we will detect and convert it to IAST for the purpose of searching. To replace an individual character use ? The Given Name Megha. 3. -कफः hail. A demon. To replace many characters us * example śakt* will give all words starting with śakt. Meaning of Hindu Girl name Meghna is Cloud; River Ganges. 2. Literal meaning of Megha: In Sanskrit word megha (मेघ) means cloud. Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin. Meghaduta (literally meaning “cloud messenger”) is a lyric poem written by Kalidasa, considered to be one of the greatest Sanskrit poets in India. Chanting of Shri Ganadhisha Stotra provides all luxeries to devotees and removes their all obstacles in life.Shri Ganesha is worshipped as the lord of wisdom and success, beginnings and as the lord of defender and remover of obstacles, patron of arts and sciences. 1b) Formed out of the shell of Brahmā's egg, cosmology of clouds and rain; waters taken in by the rays of the sun and let out as showers; served by the wind. Megha (मेघ).—i. and father of Anopma Theri. It is an ancient Jain practice to worship the Tīrthaṅkara’s parents in various rites, such as the pratiṣṭhāvidhi. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. Meaning of the name Megha is 'Cloud, rain'. (-ghaḥ) 1. Megha (मेघ) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—abridged from Bhagīrathamegha. Discover the meaning of megha in the context of General definition from relevant books on Exotic India, Megha, (Vedic megha; not to mih, mehati (see mīḷha), but to Idg. Consider supporting this website: Treatment for fever (30): Achinta-shakti rasa. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. 126; esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. medha: masculine vocative singular stem: medha "medha" has 3 results. Enclose the word in “” for an EXACT match e.g. 66; J. I, 332 (pajjunna vuccati megha); DhA. -वेश्मन् n. the atmosphere. Tags: Female, First name, Male, Sanskrit. You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Megha (मेघ) refers to a “cloud”, which is said to resemble the mind of Buddha, according to the 3rd-century Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra) verse 4.42-43.—“[...] it is said that [the mind of the Buddha in its activity] is like a cloud (megha). If you are searching for Sanskrit Baby Boy Names Starting with M, you are in the right place. जांभूळ). ), [cf. Discover the meaning of megha in the context of Theravada from relevant books on Exotic India. They Are Highly Intellectual … Sanskrit Dictionary. What is the meaning of Meghna? Meghna Kothari is an Indian actress. -सुहृद् m. a peacock. Please suggest meaning of name Megha in other country, history of name and famous personality with name Megha or you like to put your any comment/suggestion on this name for other visitors. a. cloudless; -moka, m. hide; serpent's slough: -patta, m. strip of slough; -moksha, m. deliverance, from (g.,--°ree;). In this capacity often called mahā-megha, e.g. The name Megha has Fire element. Our List of Sanskrit Names for Baby Boy with meanings will help you to sort out your ideas for selecting a perfect one. Megha. Various chapters [mentioning Megha] are dedicated to the humongous battle whose armies (known as akṣauhiṇīs) consisted of millions of soldiers, horses and elephants, etc. Lexicographers, esp. Person with name Anumegha has following quality: Seven Number Is The Holiest And Most Magical Of All The Numerology Number, Possessing Strength And Psychic Ability. to grass-eating animals) J. IV, 253.—maṇḍala cloud-circle, a circle of clouds SnA 27.—vaṇṇa cloud-coloured J. V, 321 (C. for megha-sannibha); °pāsāṇa a sort of ornamental building stone Mhvs 30, 59 (v. l. , T. meda°; trsl. -2 hail. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Me-gha. Meghaduta, (Sanskrit: “Cloud Messenger”) lyric love poem in some 115 verses composed by Kalidasa about the 5th century ce.The verse is unique to Sanskrit literature in that the poet attempts to go beyond the strophic unity of the short lyric, normally the form preferred for love poems, by stringing the stanzas into a narrative. Discover the meaning of meghaloka in the context of Sanskrit from relevant books on Exotic India . sanskrit Meaning : The name Anumegha is an Sanskrit baby name. -मण्डलम् the firmament, sky. Know Rashi, Nakshatra, Numerology, Religion, Gender, Similar Names and Variant Names for name Meghna. -घमू Talc. A mass, a multitude. No search results for Meghaloka, Megha-aloka, Megha-āloka, Meghāloka; (plurals include: Meghalokas, alokas, ālokas, Meghālokas) in any book or story. * 1. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. -3 river-water. Select your prefered input and type any Sanskrit or English word. Full-text (+343): Meghavahni, Meghaspada, Meghavartman, Meghayoni, Meghadvara, Meghanta, Meghasvati, Meghakala, Meghadundubhisvararaja, Meghadipa, Meghapatha, Meghabhatta, Meghabhuti, Meshasamdhi, Meghaprasava, Meghajyotis, Meghamarga, Meghamala, Meghasvana, Meghashyama. Megha NAME MEANING IN HINDI. -3 N. of one of the six Rāgas (in music). Megha (मेघ) participated in the war between Rāma and Rāvaṇa, on the side of the latter, as mentioned in Svayambhūdeva’s Paumacariu (Padmacarita, Paumacariya or Rāmāyaṇapurāṇa) chapter 57ff. L. 1951. m. [discharger of water: √ migh=√ mih], cloud (--°ree;, rarely=multi tude): -kâla, m time of clouds, rainy sea son; -ga, a. produced from a cloud; -dam bara, m. roar of clouds, thunder; -dûta, m. cloud-messenger: T. of a short poem by Kâlidâsa composed in the Mandâkrânta metre; -nâda, m. roar of clouds, thunder; a. thundering, making a noise like thunder; m. N. of a son of Râvana, afterwards called Indragit; N.; N. of a frog; -nâdin, a. re sounding like thunder (car); m. thundering chariot; N. of a Dânava; -nirghosha, a. thundering; -bala, m. N.; -mañgarî, f. N. of a princess; -matha, m. N. of a monastic college; -maya, a. consisting of clouds; -mâlâ, f. wreath or banks of cloud; -mâlin, m. (cloud-capped), N. of a prince; -rava, m. roar of clouds, thunder; -râgî, -rekhâ, -lekhâ, f. streak of cloud; -vat, a. cloud capped; cloudy; m. N. of a mountain; -vana, N. of an Agrahâra; -varna, a. cloud coloured; m. N.; N. of a crow; vâhana, m. (riding on clouds), ep. ˚जित् m. an epithet of Lakṣmaṇa. Megha is generally used as a girl's name. The wife of Megha is is Maṅgalā. He was a former birth of Dhammaruci Thera. Meaning: Son of carr. sanskrit Meaning : The name Meghana is an Sanskrit baby name. -अरिः the wind. He was treasurer of Saketa Lexicographers, esp. To do an exact match use “” example “śaktimat” will search for this exact phrase. The grammar work is called हैमकौमुदी, or चन्द्रप्रभा also. *, 2) Meghā (मेघा).—A river of the Bhadrā country.*. Hearing the Buddha prophesy the future of Sumedha, Megha entered the Order with Theravāda is a major branch of Buddhism having the the Pali canon (tipitaka) as their canonical literature, which includes the vinaya-pitaka (monastic rules), the sutta-pitaka (Buddhist sermons) and the abhidhamma-pitaka (philosophy and psychology). They hope that they will be blessed and watched over by the deity. -अध्वन् m., -पथः, -मार्गः 'the path of clouds', atmosphere. A youth in the time of Dipankara Buddha. A Tīrthaṅkara is an enlightened being who has conquered saṃsāra (cycle of birth and death), leaving behind him a path for others to follow. Meghna Naidu is an Indian actress. (also = cloudy weather), 2) a mass, multitude (See gṛha-m) Cyperus Rotundus, [cf. Jayaratha cites the Brahmayāmala passage giving this order of the ten sounds (e.g., Megha). Meghadūta (Sanskrit: मेघदूत literally Cloud Messenger) is a lyric poem written by Kālidāsa (c. 4th–5th century CE), considered to be one of the greatest Sanskrit poets. a thundercloud, storm, S. I, 100 (thaneti), 154; Th. m. autumnal cloud: -vat, ad. Megha (मेघ).—(1) name of a previous incarnation of Śākya-muni under Dīpaṃkara, who predicted his enlighten- ment: Mahāvastu i.2.1; 232.1 ff. -2 an epithet of Śiva. 4. Meghna Reddy is an Indian model and veejay for Channel V. Meghna River is an important river in Bangladesh, one of the three that forms the Ganges Delta, the largest on earth fanning out to the Bay of Bengal. Looks for words “ containing ” the search keyword our software called SanskritWriter, first name,,. A unisex ( male and female ) name of Hindu / Indian origin, is a popular name..., male, Sanskrit the Vibhrama it is Hindi originated name with depth. Girl 's name ahimsa ) towards every living being a cloud, [ cf the 5th of! 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