Until the site was developed in the late 1990s, one could hear the song of frogs from blocks away in the evening. The British held the fort for the rest of the war. … The march, now in its 10th year and put on by the Historic Paulus Hook Association (HPHA). Bayonne, NJ: R. P. Whticomb, 1904. Grundy was the Official City of Jersey City Historian and Head of the Friends of the Jersey City Library, as well as a retired reporter for a New York City newspaper. [14], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}40°43′01″N 74°02′16″W / 40.71685°N 74.03789°W / 40.71685; -74.03789, "Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association" Volume 6. 46. Armies - American Forces was commanded by Maj. Henry Lee and consisted of about 300 Soldiers. Remediation of the site has taken place, and in fall 2013 the building was torn down for development as condos. Bergen town and township, Nov. 1660-Sept. 22, 1668, Hudson County, N.J. Family History Library History of Hudson County and of the old village of Bergen : being a brief account of the foundations and growth of what is now Jersey City and of the many advantages now offered the inhabitants thereof in the newly constructed building of the Trust Company of New Jersey Family History Library 243-246, Kennard & Hay Stationery M'fg and Print. Memorial of the Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1879; With a History of the Early Settlement and Present Condition O: Farrier, George H: Amazon.sg: Books Seeing the handwriting on the wall, Colgate stopped its buying spree.Artists and Transportation Help ResurgenceBy 1980, a new wave of artists and young professionals had moved in among the largely blue collar and retiree community of Paulus Hook. Chromium was refined along the west side of Jersey City. Photo courtesy Dixon Projects. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. The Battle of Paulus Hook was fought on August 19, 1779 between Continental Army and British forces in the American Revolutionary War. Relief shown by hachures. In mid-summer 1779, a flamboyant 23-year-old Princeton University graduate, Major Henry Lee, recommended to General George Washington a daring plan to attack the fort, in what became known as the Battle of Paulus Hook. The Battle of Paulus Hook was fought on August 19, 1779 between Continental Army and British forces in the American Revolutionary War. Get this from a library! Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account. Ore byproducts were used as landfill all along Jersey City's shoreline, including Paulus Hook. Originally the site of a revolutionary war fort surrounded by a salt water marsh, Paulus Hook was first developed in the early 1800s by the Dutch. Memorial of the Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1879: With a History of the Early Settlement and Present Condition of Jersey City, N.J: Anonymous: Amazon.sg: Books Contact us at info@paulushook.org. Paulus Hook is a community on the Hudson River waterfront in Jersey City, New Jersey, located one mile across the river from Manhattan. Major Harry Lee's Dashing Exploit One Hundred Years Ago--His Attack Upon And Capture Of A British Garrison--Yesterday's Commemorative Exercises", http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/culture/2012/11/6538938/jersey-citys-paulus-hook-once-coveted-brownstone-garden-apartments-a, Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company Warehouse, Lembeck and Betz Eagle Brewing Company District, West Bergen-East Lincoln Park Historic District, First Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen Neck, Monastery and Church of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Ann's Roman Catholic Church and Rectory, St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church, Erie-Lackawanna Railroad Terminal at Hoboken, Hoboken Free Public Library and Manual Training School, Hoboken Land and Improvement Company Building, National Register of Historic Places listings in Hudson County, New Jersey, List of National Historic Landmarks in New Jersey, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Paulus_Hook&oldid=1002745020#American_Revolution, Historic districts in Hudson County, New Jersey, New Jersey populated places on the Hudson River, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 January 2021, at 21:35. Questions? Facts about the Battle of Paulus Hook. Title from Philip Lee Phillips' A list of maps of America. Paulus Hookis a neighborhood of Jersey City, New Jersey. They publicized Colgate's land-grab, and pushed the City Council to create the first Historic Districts. The attacking Patriots succeeded in damaging the fort and took 158 prisoners, but were unable to destroy the fort and spike its cannons. Historic Paulus Hook Association, Inc. 1,374 likes. connect. Freedom Manhattan View. In 1664 the British seized it briefly, returned it to the Dutch, and then regained it in 1674 as part of the spoils in the Dutch War. Originally the location was called Arressick or Arisheck Island by the earliest settlers after a corrupted Lenape term, possibly from Kaniskeck meaning a long, grassy marsh or meadow. The attack was late in getting started but the main contingent of the force was able to reach the fort's gate without being challenged. Located in Downtown Jersey City, this historic apartment building is within 2 mi (3 km) ... Jersey City 2BR Apartment Free Parking Paulus Hook 3blocks From the Water. Lee was rewarded by the Second Contin… Memorial of the centennial celebration of the battle of Paulus Hook, August 19, 1879, with a history of the early settlement and present condition of Jersey City, N.J.. [George H Farrier] Peace was achieved in 1674 under terms of the Treaty of Westminster, and England recovered New York until the American Revolution. Originally the location was called Arressick or Arisheck Island by the earliest settlers after a corrupted Lenape term, possibly from Kaniskeck meaning a long, grassy marsh or meadow. After purchasing a property, any existing structures were immediately demolished within 24 hours of the closing of sale.The HPHA is BornSeveral local residents met in resistance to the creeping demolition of Paulus Hook. Rentals listings: 26 active and 238 previous. There were also a few lots east of Greene Street, including a Ukrainian Orthodox Catholic Church and several five-story walk-ups, that Colgate acquired. It was first settled by the Dutch in 1633 and named for Micheal Paulez, a ferry operator and trader. According to the Paulus Hook National Registry of Historic Places inventory report, the Greek Revival style is one of the three primary architectural types in the district, particularly for homes built between 1830 and 1850. Development Threatens Historic BrownstonesIn the mid 1970s, Colgate Corporation sought to expand its holdings in Jersey City, west of Greene Street to Washington Street, and from Grand Street to Dudley Street. This "point of land" has been described as an elevated area, the location of which is today bounded by Montgomery, Hudson, Dudley and Van Vorst Streets. Paulus Hook Park; Battle of Paulus Hook; Businesses; Jersey City links; Covid-19; Winter 2021 . Memorial of the centennial celebration of the battle of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1879 : with a history of the early settlement and present condition of Jersey City, N.J. Until the American Revolution, the Dutch and then the English governed the site. Despite retaining the fort and its cannons, the British lost much of their control over New Jersey. operated a number of factories throughout the neighborhood. While still interested in maintaining the structural and architectural integrity of the Historic District's housing, ever more time and effort are devoted to maintaining the quality of life of the residents of the Paulus Hook neighborhood. Memorial of the Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1879: With a History of the Early Settlement and Present Condition of Jersey City, N.J. | Anonymous | ISBN: 9781179007434 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Returned to Patriot control in 1783 just prior to the British evacuation of New York City. LC Maps of North America, 1750-1789, 1286 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. image: Battle of Paulus HookPaulus Hook [5] By permission of the Director of New Netherland, Willem Kieft, the land at Paulus Hook was acquired by Abraham Isaacsen Verplanck on May 1, 1638. This was a trigger event for the Second Anglo-Dutch War in which the Dutch lost their North American territories. OCLC 6340873. Originally the site of a revolutionary war fort surrounded by a salt water marsh, Paulus Hook was first developed in the early 1800s by the Dutch. James then granted the land between the Hudson River and the Delaware River (the land that would become New Jersey) to two friends who had been loyal through the English Civil War: John Berkeley and George Carteret, who had been with the Duke in exile on Jersey in the Channel Islands. Americans led by Maj. Henry Lee attacked the British-held garrison at Paulus Hook . A huge wave of redevelopment activity in Paulus Hook was underway. During the Revolutionary War, Paulus Hook was the closest point in New Jersey to New York City. Paulaz), as the leader of the region. Casualties - American casualties were estimated to be 2 killed, 3 wounded, and 7 captured. The tiny section of JC called Paulus Hook was originally settled in 1633 by the Dutch West India Company, who later elected Michael Paulusen(i.e. The Patriots were led by Major Light Horse Harry Lee, and launched a nighttime raid on the British-controlled fort in what is today downtown Jersey City. Paulus Hook Fort (1776-1783) - A Patriot Revolutionary War fortification established in 1776 in present day Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. The historic preservation movement in Jersey City was born in the brownstone kitchen of 102 Grand Street. [6] The Manatus Map of 1639 depicts land holdings in the nascent province; number 31 is described as the "plantations at Paulus Hook",[7], On February 25, 1643, 100 Native American Indians were massacred at or in the vicinity of Paulus Hook (the Pavonia Massacre).[8]. The first settlement at Paulus Hook was in 1633[3] when the area was an island at high tide. The assault was planned to begin shortly after midnight on August 19, 1779. For all this and more, join the HPHA meeting on Zoom. via Now that you know where Paulus Hook is — we’re going back in time. Memorial of the Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1879: With a History of the Early Settlement and Present Condition of Jersey City, N.J.: Anonymous: Amazon.nl On November 22, 1783, the British evacuated Paulus Hook and sailed home. We are funded by the generosity of our members and donors. Lee led a force of about 300 men, some of whom got lost during the march, through the swampy, marshy land. By the mid 1980s, Colgate, Onyx Chemical, McConnell Oil Company, and others had shifted manufacturing operations to other locations, and had begun to demolish more than 37 waterfront acres in anticipation of redevelopment to include Colgate's high-rise office center and high-rise housing projects like Portside. The Battle of Paulus Hook was fought on August 19, 1779 between Continental Army and British forces in the American Revolutionary War. Paulus Hookis a neighborhood of Jersey City, New Jersey. British casualties were estimated to be 50 killed/wounded and 158 captured. Today, the Paulus Hook ferry remains a hub for commuters and runs daily. Paulus Hook, New Jersey PAULUS HOOK, NEW JERSEY. Named Paulus Hook Fort after the location. This battle is commemorated each year by the Historic Paulus Hook Association on August 19th. 70 Greene Street, Jersey City, NJ. Paulus Hook was the last British military post in New Jersey when, following the Treaty of Paris of January 1783, General Sir Guy Carleton, commander of the British forces in New York, planned to evacuate his troops. Revolutionary history, it is an important part of the history of New Jersey and holds an even more important place in the history of the neighborhood. Has watermarks. In 1776, patriot colonists built several forts to defend the western banks of the Hudson, one of which was located at Paulus Hook. Paulez's name eventually became "Paulus," the name given to the hook jutting into the river and bay. Paulus Hook History. Robert Fulton, inventor of the steam boat ferry, lived on Grand Street between Washington and Greene Streets. It was first settled by the Dutch in 1633 and named for Micheal Paulez, a ferry operator and trader. [citation needed] Morris Street and Washington Street have become the "restaurant rows" of the neighborhood,[citation needed] which is mainly residential. Rubicon HQ 1 Appearances of Paulus Hook Minor Appearances of Paulus Hook Media Paulus Hook was Mentioned in 1 Images featuring Paulus Hook Location Gallery: Paulus Hook Jersey City and its historic sites. Scott Mittman. A monument was erected in 1903 to memorialize the battle. Paulus Hook subsequently became a major road and rail head for traffic along the Northeast Corridor and in 1836 a railroad station linking the area to Newark was opened. Hundreds of units of rental housing, several dozen new restaurants, and a few new condominiums grew in and around Paulus Hook during the fading years of the 20th Century.Preserving History and Quality of LifeDespite a brief slowdown following the World Trade Center attack in Sept 2001, new construction, new arrivals, and increasing conflicts between the non-stop building activity, and the needs and desires of the ever-growing number of residents in Paulus Hook, have been the prime focus of the HPHA in the new millennium. A paint factory was located at the site of Amelia's Bistro at Warren and Morris Streets. During the 21st century the arrival of the Hudson–Bergen Light Rail, a construction boom following the attacks of September 11th,[13] investments in Liberty State Park and the expansion of the area's ferry connections to lower Manhattan all helped to propel a process of gentrification. Onyx Chemical occupied a two-block site between Dudley and Morris/Warren and Washington Streets. Michael Pauw purchased it from the Delaware about 1630, and by 1660 a permanent settlement had been established. The Paulus Hook camp was abandoned in September 1776 when the Continental Army retreated through New York. Wondering why your plastic bags of bottles aren't picked up? First History of Bayonne, New Jersey. On This Day in History - August 19, 1779 Major Henry Lee wins the Battle of Paulus Hook. [9] As daytime arrived, Lee decided that prudent action demanded that the Patriots withdraw before the British forces from New York could cross the river. The terminal has been updated over the years, but the prime location has stayed the same. The fort was a naturally defensible position that guarded the gateway to New Jersey. During the Revolutionary War, Paulus Hook was the closest point in New Jersey to New York City. Now that you know where Paulus Hook is — we’re going back in time. Memorial Of The Centennial Celebration Of The Battle Of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1879: With A History Of The Early Settlement And Present Condition Of Jersey City, N.j.: Anonymous: Amazon.com.au: Books (much of the article text is presently copied from this public-domain work) External links [edit | edit source] Memorial of the centennial celebration of the battle of Paulus Hook, August 19, … Today, real estate prices in Paulus Hook are generally higher than in surrounding neighborhoods, which include Liberty Harbor, the Financial District, WALDO, and Hamilton Park. In July 1764[11] a ferry began operating from Paulus Hook to Mesier's dock which was located at the foot of Courtland Street (where Cortland Street Ferry Depot would be built)[12] and where Battery Park City Ferry Terminal is located today. Colgate Corporation (Yes, the famous toothpaste maker we are all familiar with!) During the mid-20th century the Pennsylvania Railroad's operations shifted to Newark and New York Penn stations and ferry services to Manhattan were discontinued. The Association, 1906. p. 21, Whitcomb, Royden Page. History came alive last night at the Battle of Paulus Hook commemoration as a fife and drummer reenactment group led flag-waving celebrators, young and old, from the corner of Washington and Dudley to Paulus Hook Park, proving that the past is not dead. Monthly meetings are held the first Thursday of every month, at 7:30pm in the Community Room at Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, 109 Grand Street These neighbors turned to colorful, local politician, Owen Grundy, for guidance and assistance in their struggle. The name Hook comes from the Dutch word "hoeck" which translates into "point of land." 1:2,600. The Colgate clock is now located across from Goldman Sachs, on a piece of land that old-timers call the "DOD Site.". Captured by the British in 1776 and held by them until 1783. The Paulus Hook camp was abandoned in September 1776 when the Continental Army retreated through New York. Company, 1874, construction boom following the attacks of September 11th, A Map of that part of the Town of Jersey, Commonly called Powles Hook, "Jersey City History - Old Bergen - Chapter VIII", "Earliest known Manhattan map made in 1639", "Recalling Paulus Hook; Jersey City's Revolutionary Battle. History, Pictures and Information of Jersey City, Morris Canal, Paulus Hook. Paulus Hook, like much of Jersey City, the second largest city in New Jersey behind only Newark, was known mostly for its industry and its international port during much of the last century, and companies such as the Colgate Corporation, as well as various chemical and paint manufacturers owning much of the land. In 1672, the Third Anglo-Dutch War broke out, and in July 1673, the Dutch reoccupied New York City, renaming it New Orange. Early in the war, Gen. Washington set up "flying camps," a group of highly mobile attack units positioned around New York. The Patriots were led by Major Light Horse Harry Lee, and launched a nighttime raid on the British-controlled fort. The Hudson-Bergen Light Rail has a Paulus Hook stop at Essex Street and the Liberty Water Taxi at Warren Street. Colgate Center, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA - panoramio (6).jpg 3,968 × 2,976; 2.61 MB Named Paulus Hook Fort after the location. The march, now in its 10th year and put on by the Historic Paulus Hook Association (HPHA). Shows position of "57th Regt." The cries of “Colgate”, “Liberty Harbor” and “Exchange Place” are familiar ones now to ferry travelers between Manhattan and Jersey City. 19 August 1779.Henry Lee's Raid.Soon after Brigadier General Anthony Wayne's brilliant coup at Stony Point on 16 July, reconnaissance elements pushed south into Bergen County, New Jersey, to look for new opportunities.One of these was Captain Allan McLane's company. Please support us by joining the HPHA today! more about the building. The waterfront of Paulus Hook is along the basin of the Morris Canal in a park with a segment of Liberty State Park. Belfuse once produced only fuses, but now manufactures lighting systems for automobiles. Then the bottom fell out of the real estate market, and for most of the next ten years, the land lay fallow and park-like along the Hudson River; some lots remained weed-covered, while other were used as commuter parking lots for the newly installed New York Waterways Ferry.The next wave of development arrived with the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Tram and construction of several office towers. Scale ca. Memorial Of The Centennial Celebration Of The Battle Of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1879: With A History Of The Early Settlement And Present Condition Of Jersey City Paulusen operated a ferry boat and traded with the Lenepe people in the area, and is responsible for its name {Paulus Hook comes from the anglicization of Paulusen’s last name, with the “hook” designation describing the small island area seen at high tide in th… Under his direction, Joe Duffy, Stella Hojnacki, and other neighbors formed the Historic Paulus Hook Association. He began with northern Manhattan and Long Island on November 21, and lowered the flag at Paulus Hook the next day. Paulus Hook Park; Battle of Paulus Hook; Businesses; Jersey City links; Covid-19; Scott Mittman. The introduction of the light rail and development of office buildings on the Hudson Waterfront have brought more businesses to Morris Street including a number of restaurants with outdoor seating and small neighborhood shops. Get Rates . [10] This was three days before they left New York on Evacuation Day, November 25, 1783. In 1812, he launched a ferry service between Paulus Hook and New York on the Hudson River, which took approximately ten to fifteen minutes to cross. On October 29, 2012, Paulus Hook was devastated during Hurricane Sandy, with significant flooding occurring throughout the neighborhood. The Place for Jersey City News. Older residents remember that when it rained, soap suds would fill the gutters; and on any given day, the air held the smell and taste of soap. The business still thrives. Over time, numerous famous figures including George Washington and Alexander Hamilton made their homes in the neighborhood. Want to know what you can and can't recycle in Jersey City? Facebook; Twitter; Instagram Hart operated a chemical mixing and storage business that closed in 2003. Battle of Paulus Hook - Background: In the spring of 1776, Brigadier General William Alexander, Lord Stirling directed that a series of fortifications be built along the west bank of the Hudson River opposite New York City. 3.5 out of 5. Paulus Hook remained in British hands until after the war but the battle was a small strategic victory for the forces of independence as it forced the British to abandon their plans for taking rebel positions in the New York area. Robert Fulton, an engineer and steamboat developer, saw Paulus Hook as an advantageous location for transport and thus, commerce. So the name "New Jersey" was chosen, and today the communities of Carteret and Berkeley Heights are also named for the two friends, Elizabeth is named for Carteret's wife, and the Duke of York is himself the namesake of New York. History came alive last night at the Battle of Paulus Hook commemoration as a fife and drummer reenactment group led flag-waving celebrators, young and old, from the corner of Washington and Dudley to Paulus Hook Park, proving that the past is not dead. Returned to Patriot control in 1783 just prior to the British evacuation of New York City. Price History . 19 August 1779.Henry Lee's Raid.Soon after Brigadier General Anthony Wayne's brilliant coup at Stony Point on 16 July, reconnaissance elements pushed south into Bergen County, New Jersey, to look for new opportunities.One of these was Captain Allan McLane's company. In the 1970s, '80s and beyond. Professor of Environmental Microbiology Donate on behalf of Scott Mittman: Join Upcoming Events Business Sponsors. Memorial Of The Centennial Celebration Of The Battle Of Paulus Hook, August 19th, 1879: With A History Of The Early Settlement And Present Condition Of Jersey City, N.j. [Anonymous] on Amazon.com. 84 Essex Street, Paulus Hook, Jersey City. 102 Grand Street 1633 and named for Micheal Paulez, a ferry operator and trader products asbestos... The basin of the site has taken place, and other neighbors formed the Historic Paulus Hook and the evacuation! 22, 1783, Joe Duffy, Stella Hojnacki, and in fall the... The attacking Patriots succeeded in damaging the fort for the DPW will be the... Is along the basin of the Treaty of Westminster, and lowered the flag at Paulus Hook north-... 102 Grand Street occurring throughout the neighborhood were developed as single family homes, by... 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