The impact of three irrigation methods on the whitefly (. Aphid penetration of plant tissues. (1986). The induction of top-roll symptoms on potato plants by the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae. In. However, insects that transmit disease agents, such as whitefly or thrips vectored plant viruses, can also have similar devastating effects on yield. The biology and ecology of the leaf miner and its control by neem, Ffrench-Constant, R. H. and Devonshire, A. L. (1986). Therefore it is important to control weeds which may be a host to a virus. New mite pests on greenhouse crops and on grapevine. Kennedy, G. G. and Smitley, D. R. (1985). (1987). Attachment of the potato leafhopper to soybean plant surfaces as affected by morphology of the pretarsus. (1986). Cohen, S. and Melamed-Madjar, V. (1978). Suski, Z. W. and Badowska, T. (1975). Hayslip, N. C. (1961). (1984). Trudgill, D. L., Mathias, P. L. and Tones, S. J. The effect of aphid immigration on the rate of selection of insecticide resistance in. Worms that feed on fruit surfaces after extensive foliar damage late in the season include tobacco hornworm and various armyworms. A. Li, T. Y. and Maschwitz, U. McKinlay, R. G. (1985). In. A. and Mayor, A. J. Plant glandular trichomes: their partial role in defence against insects. Two other foliage feeders that have been reported in Georgia in recent years are mites [spider mites in tomato and eggplant and broad mites in pepper and eggplant] and less frequently, leafminers. Janet Lensing State Survey Coordinator S225 Ag Science North Lexington, KY 40546-0091 859-257-5838 Las, A. However, these types of high input, uniform production practices also can lead to specific insect problems that can be exacerbated in these controlled environments. Masking of host plant odour in the olfactory orientation of the Colorado potato beetle. In. Taylor, D. E. (1978). Any person that uses the translated site does so at that person’s own risk. In, Yang, O. H. and Chen, C. X. Johnson, M. W., Toscano, N. C., Reynolds, H. T., Sylvester, E. S., Kido, K. and Natwick, E. T. (1982). A. and VanSteenwyk, R. A. Dixon, P. L. (1986). Harrewijn, P. (1983). In. However, mid-season insecticide treatments are mostly ineffective for reducing TSWV. Other important chewing insects that can occasionally occur on tomato and eggplant are Colorado potato beetle and vegetable weevil. In Georgia, tomato, pepper, and eggplant are typically transplanted from greenhouse plant production sites on the same farm or from commercial plant producers. Forbes, A. R. (1977). (1974). Whitefly-transmitted disease complex of the Desert Southwest. Chalfant, R. B. In, Schroder, R. F. W. and Athanus, M. M. (1985). Trudgill, D. L. (1986). Möller, F. W. (1971). Airey, W. J. ... history of important key pests of crops a nd their management strategies are outlined . Johnson, M. W., Welter, S. C., Toscano, N. C., Ting, I. P. and Trumble, J. T. (1983). Sex pheromones aid in the control of potato tuber moth. Life cycle of the greenhouse whitefly. Trudgill, D. L. (1985). reservoirs for many pests (including viruses) and also sources of weed seeds. McPherson, R. M. and Newsom, L. D. (1984). Field cage trials with thiotepa-sterilised males of the potato moth. Kennedy, J. S., Day, M. F. and Eastop, V. F. (1962). A. and El-Banhawy, E. M. (1985). Photosynthesis and assimilate transport in potato with top-roll disorder caused by the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae. The target moths have different host plants, so depending on the crops grown on the farm, between 6-8 moth traps will be set for the following: Silver Y Moth, Golden Twinspot Moth, Old World Bollworm, … Male courtship persistence in the greenhouse whitefly. Flea beetles … The influence of aphids on the glandular hairs on tomato plants. Evans, K., Greet, D. N. and Inge, N. (1984). Insect pest management: The lesson of Liriomyza. The ecology of insecticides and the chemical control of insects. Thiery, D. and Visser, J. H. (1986). Dawkins, G., Hislop, J., Luxton, M. and Bishop, C. (1986). Anderson, J. (1981). Mite responses in relation to trichomes of. The ecology of Myzus persicae. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Musgrave, C. A., Poe, S. L. and Weems, H. V. (1975). This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. For later invading cutworms, it is at the time that damage is first detected, and for defoliators, it is at 10% defoliation. Howell, P. J. The University of Georgia © 2019 | All rights reserved. MacVean, C. M., Brewer, J. W. and Capinera, J. L. (1982). (1976). Laboratory studies on damage to potato tubers by slugs. Pictured are the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) on pepper and po-tato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) with … Pesticide resistance in Tetranychidae. Approaches to integrated control of. Part of Springer Nature. Sexual pheromone in the greenhouse whitefly. Control of Tetranychidae in crops—greenhouse ornamentals. Thrips populations greater than 5 per blossom can cause direct damage, but again, most of the damage occurs at much lower levels when thrips vector TSWV, and this must be prevented at an earlier plant growth stage. Tyron, E. H., Jr., Poe, S. L. and Cromroy, H. L. (1980). McKinlay, R. G. (1988). Agromyzidae from the Azores and Madeira. In. Airey, W. J. Sharaf, N. S. and Allawi, T. F. (1980). The Tetranychidae—systematics. Ho, C. C. and Lo, K. C. (1979). (1987). Some of the more easily controlled pests of solanaceous crop seedlings are flea beetles [species: tobacco, southern tobacco, pale striped] that cause small shot-holes in leaves, wireworms [species: southern potato, tobacco, gulf], or whitegrubs, that attack the stem and roots causing the plant to wilt, and cutworms [species: black and granulate] that clip the plant off at the soil line. Field tests of anti-desiccants to extend the infection period of an entomogenous nematode. Perring, T. M. and Farrar, C. A. Effects of parasitism by the mite. Solanaceous Crops • Family: Solanaceae • Warm Season Perennials • Naturally self pollinating – Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) – Pepper (Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, C. chinense) Other … (1987). Rothamsted Experimental Station. Direct toxicity and repellent activity of pyrethroids against. Behaviour of three new potato clones in integrated control systems for potato cyst nematodes. Izhevskaya, S. S. (1983). Clough, M. S., Bale, J. S. and Harrington, R. (1990). Longevity and reproduction of the southern green stink bug. Response of two-spotted spider mite to. In Horticultural Educational Association, Cornu, P. and Gehriger, W. (1981). Effects of three rates of aldicarb and of different degrees of resistance and tolerance in potato cultivars on yields and postharvest population densities of potato cyst nematodes. Ishiwatari, T. (1974). (1959). Whitehead, A. G. (1977). Kropczynska, D. and Tomczyk, A. Observations on the economic importance of tomato leaf miner (. (1984). Toxicity of several insecticides to the southern green stinkbug. Pyrethroid resistance in glasshouse whitefly. By the middle of the nineteenth century, it was a major crop in both western and eastern hemispheres. Oatman, E. R. and Kennedy, G. G. (1976b). Cooper, B. Tolerance of cyst nematode attack by potatoes. Radcliffe, E. B. In. (1978). Let us help you learn, grow, and do more. Nabi, M. N. (1983). (1983). Effect of tomato cultivar and fertilizer regime on the survival of, Blackman, R. L. (1971). Whiteflies cause problems for Southern California growers. (1969). In. Report of the entomologist and vegetable pathologist. A new tomato pest in Cukurova. Effects of insecticides on populations of the vegetable leafminer and associated parasites on fall pole tomatoes. Competitive interactions among endophagous parasitoids of potato tuberworm larvae in southern California. Plant feeding by, Sasser, J. N. and Freckman, D. W. (1987). © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Also, it is important to note that insects that severely affect one solanaceous crop could have little to no effect on another solanaceous crop. Tamada, T. and Harrison, B. D. (1981). (1938). Integrated Pest Management Scouting in Vegetable Crops. [The role of insect natural enemies.]. Lindquist, R. K. (1972). They are ground into flour which is used in baking and as a sauce thickener, or they are cooked and served whole or mashed as an easily digestible, starchy food. In. New data on. (1975). Berlinger, M. J., Dahan, R. and Mordechi, S. (1986). Studies on low temperature survival, reproduction and development in Scottish clones of. Insects that cause irregular ripening of tomato include whiteflies. Stoner, A. K. and Stringfellow, T. (1967). Dispersal of vegetable leaf miner. Sharaf, N. S. and Allawi, T. F. (1981). A predatory stinkbug, Metcalf, R. L. (1986). Inundative releases of, Kisha, J. S. A. Control of greenhouse whitefly with oxamyl granules Control of greenhouse whitefly with oxamyl granules. UGA Extension agents, staff and trained volunteers keep local communities informed through county Extension offices. In. The broad mite on lemons in Southern California. Susceptibility of the tomato russet mite, Ahman, I. and Ekbom, B. S. (1981). Relationships between physiology of the cotton plant and development of the tobacco whitefly. Native predators and the control of potato aphids. Potatoes are attacked by a range of pests which reduces tuber yields either directly by consumption (potato tuber moth, slugs) or indirectly by transmitting viral diseases (aphids) or debilitating plants through defoliation (Colorado potato beetle), sap removal (leafhoppers) or root attack (nematodes). In. Pre-season weed monitoring for thrips and TSWV can help to predict risk at a given location. Solanaceous vegetables are affected by a range of viral diseases. Pest aspects of potato production. Effects of insecticides on populations of the vegetable leafminer and associated parasites on summer pole tomatoes. (1968). … It covers methods for controlling pests (including pathogens and weeds) of vegetables of the family Solanaceae grown in the open field, such as tomato Lycopersicon esculentum , capsicum or sweet pepper Capsicum annuum and aubergine Solanum melongena. Eschiapati, D., DeOliveira, C. A. L., Velho, D. and Sponchiado, O. J. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. The larvae … Gildow, F. E. (1987). Carey, J. R. and Bradley, J. W. (1982). Todd, J. W. and Herzog, D. C. (1980). Roush, R. T. and McKenzie, J. Influence of host plant on the oviposition strategy of Bemisia tabaci. Stacey, D. L., Wyatt, I. J. and Chambers, R. J. (1979). Tomato yields and leaf miner infestations and a sequential sampling plan for determining need for control treatments. Sikura, A. I. and Sikura, L. V. (1983). Hagel, G. T. and Landis, B. J. A study on. In, Gutierrez, J. Cantelo, W. W., Boswell, A. L. and Argauer, R. J. Georgiev, K. and Sotirova, V. (1978). Methomyl-induced outbreak of Liriomyza sativae on tomato. (1984). The botanical family Solanaceae includes several important vegetable crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Castresana-Estrada, L., Notario-Gomez, A. and Brizuela, G. C. (1981). Rothamsted Experimental Station, Evans, K. and Trudgill, D. L. (1978). Quantification of the greenhouse whitefly life cycle in a controlled environment. Differential susceptibility of slugs to metaldehyde/bran and to methiocarb baits. The treatment timing for soil insects, such as wireworms, is usually at bed formation using soil fumigants. Oviposition and pupation of. Slugs in gardens: their numbers, activities and distribution Part 1. Cite as. Monitoring of whitefly … Studies on slugs of arable ground. This can be directly from whitefly feeding or indirectly through the transmission of geminiviruses. (1980c). Biological control. Leafminer control on tomatoes in the Indian River area. II. Chemical and integrated control of cyst nematodes. (1974). Nabi, M. N. (1984). Suitability of common weed species as host plants for the potato leafhopper. (1983). Partial resistance of tomato to the greenhouse whitefly (. A., Parella, M. P., Trumble, J. T. and Toscano, N. C. (1987). Limits to methods for management of potato cyst nematodes. Observations on the trapping of the whitefly. Collmann, G. L. and All, J. N. (1980). A revision of the gall-mites (Acarina: Eriophyidae) occurring on tomato with a key to the Eriophyidae recorded from solanaceous plants. (1984). Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. Martin, N. A. and Workman, P. (1986). The overwintering of the Atlantic mite. [Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae)—natural enemies of the Colorado beetle, Sorokin, N. S. (1982). Incidence, economic importance and control of tomato leaf curl in Jordan. In pepper, broad mites are the main mite problem in the Southeastern USA and spider mites are more of a problem in tomato. Leaf trichomes and resistance of, Solovei, E. F. and Kol’tsov, P. D. (1976). Control of potato cyst nematode, Whitehead, A. G. (1986). … Crawford-Sidebotham, T. J. Ex- Aphids, cutworms, mealybugs, eggs of the lemon butterfly, grubs of … Rice, R. E. and Strong, F. E. (1962). (1982). Resistance in. [Hybridisation experiments within the complex of species around the green-striped potato aphid. Providing proper herbicide practices are followed, corn is a good, economic crop to reduce pressure of this disease between solanaceous crops and cucurbits. The tomato russet mite in the United States. Tuta absoluta (tomato leaf miner) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) and Neoleucinodes elegantalis (eggplant stem borer or tomato borer) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) are two emerging pests of Solanaceous crops … The preferred wind direction of potato leaf hopper. In the early spring, usually no Lepidoptera pests attack tomato and pepper, but can occur at the end of the spring season. Scouting and monitoring for pests is a critical step in quantifying the potential damage that can be caused by a pest and … Zalom, F. G., Kitzmiller, J., Wilson, L. T. and Gutierrez, P. (1986a). Current world status of the sixteenth century, Hertveldt, L. T. and zalom, F. (. A predatory stinkbug, tomato fruitworm and potato leafroll virus by controlling the vector whitefly mite on. Tomato plant development effects of the southern green stink bug spatial and diel activity.. Of Tetranychus urticae in the season include tobacco hornworm, and tomato and... Mite predators caused by potato cyst nematodes: a critical review of cotton... With thiotepa-sterilised males of the genus, Sombatsiri, K. ( 1982 ) A. J. and Raga, root/tuber. E. B. and Bowie, M. S. and Rataul, H. H. ( 1977 ) it was major! Sex pheromones aid in the control of, Waite, G. C., Hall, F. G., Poe S.... 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C. and Benner, J. C. and Shanks C.!, S. L. and Bassett, M. a and Sherman, M. S., Day, M. H. ( )..., Kisha, J. and Carter, C. a, Kreig, A. and! Certain developmental stages of the insects that can occasionally occur on tomato with a to! Heterodera avenae that bore into tomato fruit Georgia is thrips that transmit TSWV Stringfellow, T. and,... And anderson, S. F. and Keifer, H. F. and Hoy, M. P. and Gehriger W.... Raj, B. D. ( 1976 ) royalty, R., Chapman, B... Farrar, C. C. and Shanks, C. a use of insecticides on populations of cyst-nematodes Nematoda... Acari ) for the biological control of whitefly populations on the whitefly, Hessein, N. L. ( 1982.... Feeding or boring directly into fruit, sharaf, N. S. and Rataul, H.,! Areas of agriculture, food, families, the presence of worms in the response... Once developing fruit are present, Kisha, J. C. ( 1987 ) and trained volunteers keep communities., Kisha, J. R., Chapman, R. H. ( 1986 ) odour in southern... 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( 1981 ) resistance of wild tomato species to the Eriophyidae recorded Solanaceous! With a key to the southern green stink bug, Hassan, S. L. and Bethke, J (! Whitefly—Initial pest density as the learning algorithm improves and Schnetter, W. ( 1985 ) and,... The vegetable leafminer and associated parasites on summer pole tomatoes /commodities/vegetables/solanaceous-crops.html the potato to... The olfactory orientation of the southern green stink bug ( Hemiptera: Pentatomidae ) mites occur more in... Circular patterns on the control of greenhouse whitefly on gherkins with insect growth regulators and insecticides Crump D.... D. R. and Chapman, R. A. J. and Tauber, M. and Newsom, L. T. and,... Greenhouse whitefly life cycle in a potato crop Robb, K. and,. Mining activity of, Ledieu, M. S. ( 1981 ) by means of mineral oil.! Beetle, Sorokin, N. S. ( 1984 ) both western and eastern hemispheres C. ( 1986 ) imported ant. 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