This usually nets me a (working type) springer puppy that can be safely off-leash on hiking trails, or working fields at four or five months. Albert is a beautiful Tri-color English Springer Spaniel whelped July 12th, 2017. You can train the drop and sit without recall whistle commands the same way. admin September 27, 2016 Dog training Leave a comment 1 Views. (I'm not sure I'd trust their drop to shot at that age around live firearms, though.). Long walks or outdoor activities are a must to keep this breed both happy and healthy. Most gundog owners have had embarassing experiences when their dog has completely ignored a whistle or command or charged off in pursuit of an interesting scent or quarry, watched by Guns and gamekeepers whose own dogs are probably sitting beautifully at heel. She is house trained and very well mannered. Log in, Each time you leave the dog on a ‘sit-stay’ and walk away from him, blow the sit whistle just before you return to him, Each time you throw a marked retrieve for the seated dog, blow the sit whistle just before you throw the dummy, Move a couple of steps forward so that the dog is standing again, Walk a couple of steps with the dog at heel. One of the things that appeals most about owning an English Springer Spaniel is the prospect of long walks in the countryside, taking in the fresh air and scenery, while your dog enjoys the scents he finds in the bushes and the opportunity to stretch his legs—always staying close by while you get some valuable exercise together. As soon as you let him off the leash he's off to roam the countryside with his nose to the ground. Ellie’s behaviours include recall to her name and whistle, loose lead work, off lead heel work, down, sit and stay commands and sit to a whistle. pitch versus dog breed etc), so you get some people saying 210-210½ for Spaniels and 211-211½ for Labs and other working dogs working far away. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This dog is for the client who really wants to bird hunt and do minimal training. ... Whistle commands with Bill. Then when the down command is given they helper pulls up on the leash(which travels under their foot) and the dog is drawn into a down. Once the dog comes to the whistle alone then over time increase the recall distance a small amount a time, giving say a 7/10 reward rate, so rewarding more than half the time basically. One before morning meal, one after mid-day walk/potty break, and one before evening meal is how I'd set it up. He recommends teaching a minimum of three commands: "The first command is 'come,'" he says. Dexter is an active Spaniel. We breed with the goal of producing puppies with the traditional springer spaniel qualities of calm demeanor, instinctive hunting drive, and ease of training so positive ordinate conditioning training methods can be used. Set up the drop at a short distance, you face the dog, your helper stands by the dog facing you. Home / Dog training / Gundog Training 2 Springer Spaniels on retrieves, with whistle commands and direction. The stimuli is the only thing that differs. It is not necessary that a dog be steady to wing and shot. We took turns, with … While you are training the verbal, visual and whistle commands to be rock solid keep the dog at short enough distance you can pull them towards you on a long line if need be. Related Articles. Basic Obedience2. Likewise, on ducks, Help! Both methods still require you to be decisive when choosing when and where to use the recall, how well you reward your dog for obeying, and how consistent you are. Gundog Training 2 Springer Spaniels on retrieves, with whistle commands and direction. Can anyone shed light on the Acme whistles and perhaps recommend a non-acme whistle please? The English Springer Spaniel’s versatility and strength in both the field and the duck blind has given them the notoriety as the best “all round gun dog”. Then move on to the next distance. When you give the down/drop your helped immediately puts the dog into the down position. Started Hunting Dog3. It's easier of course if you start them from 8 weeks or 10 weeks but over time you can have the same success with an older dog. Over the years I've worked hard on her confidence. Finally add the whistle to the leg slap and over time you can gradually remove the leg slap and have them come to just the whistle. Then you gradually remove the verbal command and have the dog come to the leg slap. He can be strong initially on a lead, but has perfect understanding of “heel” – … The “Short Pip” whistle command will follow as soon as “Hup” is learned. English Springer Spaniels ... whistle and command to a position whereby an unmarked lost game bird can be picked and retrieved to hand. Training a working springer spaniel quartering, stopping and retrieving to the whistle. Spaniels. Can't argue with tradition! The breed was recognized by the AKC a few years later in 1910. I'm reding J.Irving's book on training and he recommends 2 whistles. › stop-whistle-1-whistle-sit-at-heel 0:11. If you search somewhere like Valley Hunting Dog Supply or your favourite hunting dog supply they're almost certain to have what's labelled a Spaniel Whistle. This is hardly surprising. David Krassler has shown his knowledge of the domestic canine through his breeding and training programs offered at Citari Kennel. I've read elsewhere that commands should be 3 - recall, 2 -turn and 1 - stop. A very young puppy I do five sets of or three or five recalls a day(basically every potty break). He made one snappy retrieve to hand Of a dead rooster, then tracked one broken-wing bird for 300 yards, which he fetched up and brought in without any hesitation. Typically on a spaniel whistle, it's one long blast. The usual spaniel field command for the come/recall is a series of short pips on the whistle. A more sustained whistle note or the vocal command "Hup" orders the dog to plant its behind on the ground and keep it there. The English Springer Spaniel is a very athletic dog with high levels of energy. Spaniels are normally trained with a high-pitched whistle without a pea inside, which makes much less noise than a normal whistle. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the springerspaniel community, Press J to jump to the feed. A Junior hunting dog must show a desire to hunt in an enthusiastic manner and an ability to flush and to retrieve. Gently but firmly sweep the front legs forward to bring the dog into the down, or use a soft pin. Training your Spaniel to respond to a whistle is not that much different from training him to respond to a verbal command. Basically that long line is ensuring the that the recall is completed without repeating the command each and every time. Many English Springer Spaniel owners engage their pets in agility training, tracking, hunting tests, and obedience training to keep them both physically and mentally stimulated. One for recall and turns, and a thunderer for stop. Basically you teach verbal + visual command (ie: loud "here/hier" along with a slapped leg). He is stunning in appearance and shows good response to basic commands. When you hit the very long distances you can do a set of ten or fifteen once a day when you have field access. I prefer the black, plastic one personally since it's easy to clean and cheap to replace. Why are 210.5 whistles recommended for spaniels, but 211.5 for Labradors and retrievers? The best part is other trainers very rarely use them for other breeds. So you may find at the short distances you're doing a lot of giving them the sit and then the halt immediately after to keep them in place. 11:06. TODAY'S ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL whistle commands, charged hard for spectacular pheasant flush- es, and stayed steady to wing, shot, and fall when necessary. I never let a recall go incompleted. History English physician Dr. John Caius described the spaniel in his book the Treatise of Englishe Dogs published in 1576. Finally add the whistle to the leg slap and over time you can gradually remove the leg slap and have them come to just the whistle. I'm confused. Cookies help us deliver our Services. He is a large built English Springer Spaniel. Basically you teach verbal + visual command(ie: loud "here/hier" along with a slapped leg). For those who will not go through the process of steadying their dog to wing and shot, teach your spaniel to … They just end up dangling a long line for a while. The number refers to the pitch of the whistle, and for some reason a 210.5 is always referred to as a two-ten-and-a-half, and a 211.5 as two-eleven-and-a-half. The plastic version is very inexpensive, there are also more durable metal versions. His book was the first work to describe the various British breeds by function. Gundog Training English Springer Spaniel - Memory- stop - go back- steadiness. 1. Stefan Sean. It may sound a little rough but having a helper who can get them into position as you give the drop at a distance can be a HUGE help to stop this creep. Have the helper draw the leash under their foot with only enough slack to leave the dog standing/sitting. Our Started dogs are generally $7,500 to $10,000 and are generally between 12 and 24 months of age. I mean since the 17th-century, Spaniels have been bred for roaming the countryside helping to hunt on land and water. Start with the verbal + the visual (in the field I use a raised closed fist for sit and raised open hand for down for visibility at distance, you can use what's best for you and what you want to compete in/is best for your dog), then just visual, then whistle + visual, then just whistle. I use the long line when ever I teach dogs recall whether it's working with a rescued 7 year old or an 8 week old puppy. Mix up the verbal, visual and whistle command from time to time as well, to keep all of them sharp. Finished Hunting Dog … 'Come' is basic. I'm just about to get springer spaniel. Spaniels & Flushing Breeds ... Ann Brannen HXBs HXAsd CDX AX OAJ) took to my strange screechings, responding to them after just a few days of a verbal command followed by a whistle command. The whistle isactually a substitute for the voice commands he has learned at home; in thefield it is more valuable than the voice because it carries farther and withmore authority. Q: When dog training with a whistle do different gundog breeds need different whistles? I 100% recommend using the long, black "spaniel" whistle for springers. Keep distances short as you teach the verbal/visual --> visual alone --> visual + whistle --> whistle alone, maybe ~8 feet/3m. 3. Jasper is a 6 year old male English Springer Spaniel. Not just going by natural reaction? What is the general opinion please. 6:23. The dog should show no fear of cover, a reasonable response to commands (whistle, hand, or verbal), and maintain a reasonable working distance from its handler. If you're dog doesn't have a 'halt' command you may want to work on that on leash or on a vibrating e-collar before you teach the sit and drop in the field because I find with springers they often try and creep towards you or recall all the way when you give that sit or down. Older dog learning new tricks two or three sets of ten a day should be fine. There seems to be some confusion over the Acme whistles with there being virtually no information on them (e.g. Nell the smaller Spaniel is 3 in May and arrived at the age of 1 beaten and battered. Get him accustomed to being controlled by whistle commands. Whether you have opted for a springer, cocker, Cavalier or something more unusual like a water spaniel they are all characterised by a tireless personality. So for example I can work my spaniel in the field with his whistle and commands, and my fiance can work his Lab using her whistle(short, round usual looking whistle) in the same field no confusion because of the very different sound. Started Hunting Dogs For Sale All of our started English Springer Spaniels and Labrador Retrievers show the good looks, excellent temperament, remarkable intelligence, style and stamina that you would expect from their pedigrees. Kirby, a four-year-old English springer spaniel owned by Jen Tuttle of Mitchell, South Dakota, has retrieved every species of waterfowl in the Central Flyway. I like my dog to live in a world where there is no option to the recall but coming. We offer 3 different level of started hunting dogs to meet your requirements. In the early stages only increase distance a little bit, as you progress you can make the distances further and further apart until it's half the length of a fußball pitch up to whatever distance you want your dog to work in the field. Lower the reward rate and work each distance until you get a 10/10 success rate only rewarding the 1st and 10th(last) recall, then 10/10 success rewarding none of the recall but rewarding at the release when you finish the exercise. Harry Butaud. Is the English Springer Spaniel the right pet for your lifestyle? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Albert loves attention and his willingness to please which has stayed with him from a puppy making Albert an extremely biddable dog. Tiny spaniel puppies will aggressively retrieve a balled-up sock and “come” to a whistle trill (three pips) and HUP (the traditional spaniel sit command) to a single whistle pip. Should a springer spaniel always drop to flush even when it wasn't asked to drop? It is an affectionate, excitable breed with a typical lifespan of twelve to fourteen years. ... stopped and turned on voice and whistle commands, charged hard for spectacular pheasant flushes, and stayed steady to wing, shot, and fall when necessary. All with one whistle. 100% recommend that for springers. The standard for the English Springer Spaniel was set in 1902 by combining the physical standard from the Spaniel Club of England with the ability standard from the Sporting Spaniel Society. I do recommend buying a couple since I find they get kind of ratty where you hold them between you teeth, they're easy to keep hygienic with mildly soapy water, they just get teeth marks and look kind of yucky after a little while. The soft pin is having the leash on a non-chock/non-chain collar(also not an English slip lead) so a regular old buckle collar and thick, short leash. Then you gradually remove the verbal command and have the dog come to the leg slap. ... Before getting an English Springer Spaniel. Patty Commands the waves to STOP!during a small hurricane :) pattymaryclare. I lost this whistle yesterday at the beach and someone else had an Acme 210 ½ which she found worked with her cocker and terrier, and sort of worked with our Springer (she seemed to come back and look around slightly confused). I'd try and at least do the length of a baseball field or footy pitch three times a week, though. Also you can play around with the numbers depending on your dog and how fast they learn and how long an attention span they have. The Started dog listens to both voice and whistle commands and is ready for you to take it upland bird hunting. Phew, sorry, went a little long there. ... 13 reasons why cocker spaniels and springer spaniels are different. The English Springer Spaniel is a breed of gun dog in the Spaniel family traditionally used for flushing and retrieving game. They are generally enthusiastic working dogs which are common in the beater line on hunts where they come into their own in terms of obedience. 'Sit' is good because it's really a safety thing for the … -- There's no magic pitch or tone that makes the dog come/react to the sound, it's trained to the tone/pips. You can tell your Spaniel … We used a metal pitch adjustable (slightly) Whistle from Pets At Home (bought online cheaper I believe) but it wasn't very loud and our Springer didn't respond greatly well to it (to be fair we got her just over a year old with virtually no training besides sit and lie down, also couldn't hold her bladder very well as she spent most of her time in the garden). You wont always have time to set those up or be able to find a long, empty space so you can always strength the shorter recalls during those days. "The next is 'sit,' and the last is 'turn.' Please can I have some help. Like: 'tweet tweet tweet tweet". Also I hope this doesn't sound like I'm accusing you of being unknowledgeable, but you are training to the whistle, right? Spaniels are boundless balls of energy. ... Having dogs that do not require verbal or whistle commands to hunt within range is critical to putting birds in the bag. A retriever is a type of gun dog that retrieves game for a hunter.Generally gun dogs are divided into three major classifications: retrievers, flushing spaniels, and pointing breeds.Retrievers were bred primarily to retrieve birds or other prey and return them to the hunter without damage; retrievers are distinguished in that nonslip retrieval is their primary function. Never push on the back!! Press question mark to learn springer spaniel whistle commands rest of the keyboard shortcuts try and at least do the length a... Recommends 2 whistles break ) at the age of 1 beaten and battered 2.... 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