So this requires for you to flirt with her. If you want to know how to seduce a woman, the first thing you need to focus on is building the sexual chemistry. haha.. The best things that you can talk about with women are their hopes and dreams. It’s greath I have slept with 6 polish 4 English 3 Asian and 4 Latvian within 3 weeks. Your email address will not be published. Love life requires being active and affecting the other person. You may think that you’re not cool enough or don’t have the looks but seduction has nothing to do with that. You both know how you feel about each other but the fun is trying to find out if it’s true or not. There are many ways to seduce a girl but the above-mentioned ones almost always do the trick. Are you kidding me, this is horrible advice. Women aren’t difficult to read. Initiate a dirty conversation over the phone. They tell the girl they like her, or that they have feelings for her. Just follow these 11 really simple moves, and you’ll surely be in a great position to seduce her and get her in bed. So, she already knows that you find her attractive. No one wants to like someone that’s not interested in them. [Read: How to approach a girl you don’t know and impress her instantly], Talk to her and get to know her better. You feel the sexual tension between you two which is a good sign that she’s into you. But flirt with her when it’s just the both of you. [Read: How to call a girl and turn the conversation into a successful booty call! #2 Be likeable. Play it slow, warm up to the act and make sure she’s in the mood before you try to kiss her for the first time. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / How To Seduce A Girl (8056 Views) REL. Just remember to be mature and have patience with the teenage girl you like. If you can’t be the kind of guy who can impress a girl easily, you may still be able to seduce the girl you like, but it’ll be a lot harder to win her flirty attention. Now, remember, she’ll indicate whether or not she wants to take it down a dirty road, so it’s better if you let her give you the signal that she’s comfortable with the conversation. If you actually are interested in being with her, take her out on a real date. If you make out with her, let her decide how far you two will go. Let your hand linger on her back or on her arms as you touch her. #11 Make out with her! If you can be the kind of guy that girls want and desire, it makes seducing them as easy as a walk in the park. You may just end up killing the mood, or she may tell you that she’s not feeling the connection, which would take you nowhere. You can tell the advice is dated when one of the steps involves phone sex. Whether you’re in person, on the phone or texting each other, you can take the conversation into a dirtier avenue. ], 11 smooth moves to seduce a woman and get her in bed. Soft, kind-hearted, generous, caring, concerned, loving, passionate, intelligent, good-looking, clean, well-dressed, considerate, humorous and charming men are hard to find and girls would swoon over anyone who has all these qualities. 3 How to seduce a girl only with your body language. It doesn’t matter whether you know her already or she’s a complete stranger. You may be charming as hell but if she doesn’t see you as someone who looks put together, it’s not going to go anywhere. Play a few naughty texting games this time around, and initiate them casually. Now, the playing field has been levelled, and so women are upping the art of seduction by charming the man they want. Firstly, if you want to seduce a girl or even make her like you, you need to be a great guy who can get the girl’s attention. In this article, you’re going to be shown how to seduce a girl and get her in bed but this all will mean nothing unless you’re confident in yourself and don’t mind practising. If you rush, you have the potential of completely killing the mood and her pulling away from you. 12 devious and sneaky ways to see a friend naked without getting caught! It’s not a sex offender offense if you know what you’re doing. How to approach a girl you don’t know and impress her instantly, How to avoid the friend zone when you start talking to a girl, Smooth ways to keep a conversation going while talking to a girl, 15 tips to text flirt with a girl and make her want you, How to turn a girl into a sex buddy by texting at night, How to trick a girl into thinking about you sexually, How to make a girl wet just by sitting next to her, 10 ways to build sexual tension the flirty way, 7 naughty texting games to have fun all night long. 15 traits that differentiates a great guy from a regular guy, 6 signs to recognize a girl who’s ready for a hookup and 12 ways to hook up with her in different circumstances. The one thing that doesn’t work is if you’re coming off as fake. Well, it has a lot to do with self-confidence and practice. Long gone are the days when it was solely up to the men to use their charm to woo a girl of their choice. Via . Believe it or not, the ability to seduce a love interest comes naturally to women. Plus, just because you’ve spoken dirty to her via text doesn’t mean you’re going to get into her pants right now or if at all. Now, you don’t need to look like you’d just come out of a magazine nor do you need to oil your abs – that’s not what this is about. That is lazy! Don’t take the first opportunity that’s handed to you. The keyword in this step is the anticipation and mystery. If you want to seduce her, but actually seduce her, you need to get to know her. I’m a woman and I can tell you this is the worst advice I’ve ever read… Please do not do this. woman is not logical. Which means call her and ask her out, its not that big a mystery! Listen, women have plenty of experience being hit on and seduced by men. Your email address will not be published. Now, these are general steps, however, they the foundation for seducing a woman. In fact, most men that are exceptional seducers aren’t looking like Brad Pitt. Instead of asking her to give you her number so that you can note it down, give her your phone and ask her to save her number there herself. • Don’t make sexual compliments. You may do well with getting girls to talk to you or taking them out on dates but you can never seal the deal. By doing this, you’d make her convince herself that there’s already a secret passionate something brewing between the both of you, because no one else knows what’s going on but the both of you. Try to start contact by sitting close to your girl, placing your hand on her shoulder or knee. Last but not least, you must always love your girl no matter what happens and she will surely stay by your side forever. Now it’s best to make the plans as soon as possible. A girl with shyness has been made a kind of shield behind which is protected, even against his will is developed with a shield of defense. Be a mystery guy When you meet a girl you like to seduce, act slow and careful. Add some excitement to the chase and create suspense, this will all work to create seduction. The “shy girl” typically shows hesitation to engage in the interaction, which means it’s going to be a bumpy ride trying to get her to talk, let alone give her number to you or go on a date. In order to make her feel comfortable, you need to be genuine and patient. And eventually, she may just get bored and avoid you completely. You know that seduction is always about pacing, is not it? The most frequent thing I do to get her in bed is just ask. Seduction is meant to create good feelings, instead. When you get some alone time with her, sit closer to her and pretend like you didn’t notice how close you’re sitting. 2.5 Which topics should you talk about if you want to seduce girls? If she senses that you’re not being yourself, she’ll slide past you. [Read: 12 devious and sneaky ways to see a friend naked without getting caught! This is all very well for when you’re trying to seduce a new mate, but what if it’s a girl you’ve been with for a year and started living with? Liked what you just read? So take it slow, watch her response, and make your move. But even though she has a hint that you like her, she needs to hear it from you to confirm her doubts. If you don’t work on flirting with her, then you won’t be able to push the conversation further. Now you may be thinking why you need to do this, but stay with me for a second. It’s a good thing though, or you wouldn’t really think she’s worth the effort. If you want there to be a connection, you’re going to have to spend some time talking and flirting with each other. Touch her hair and tell her how soft and pretty it is; gently touch her hand or even hold it! [Read: How to turn a girl into a sex buddy by texting at night]. when you see her on your date, don’t just grab her and kiss her. The reason we don’t repond to your text messages or wait hours to repond is becuase we don’t want a guy that just sends text messages. #5 Don’t let her know you like her. She may avoid responding to your texts, or she may take hours to respond to you. Start simple, and ask her a question that seems innocent, but would definitely lead to something dirty. Her excitement and curiosity would make her addicted to you. She won’t. Men just be straightforward, generous, caring, protective and then just ravish us, we won’t resist to ya. Right now, all you need to do is get closer to her and make her flirt back with you. How To Approach A Shy Girl & Get Her To Open Up The Shy girl. Follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest and we promise, we’ll be your lucky charm to a beautiful love life. So, you’ve been taking your time and flirting with her. How To Seduce A Girl - Romance (3) - Nairaland . ], #1 Get close to her. The People Around You. Of course, you like her. When it comes to flirty questions to ask girls, most men would draw a blank. Today, you are going to learn exactly how to seduce a woman’s mind, how to seduce her mentally.. We will unlock the secret emotional and psychological triggers that impact a woman’s passionate instincts and gives you the POWER to seduce your wife, girlfriend or fling like never before.. And I bet once you read this step-by-step guide on seducing her mentally (and sexually!) If the things you say seem to be working its magic, she’d start to enjoy your chats and your texts and keep in touch with you. And let me be clear: This method would not work *as well* for a girl with which you want a long term relationship. Keep your hands to yourself until you see signs that she wants you close to her. How to call a girl and turn the conversation into a successful booty call! So now your date is about to finish and you’re confident she wants to meet up for a second date. Yet you thought the hard… Sign in. After all, it’ll only take a couple of steps to know if you’re going to end up in bed with her. As you’re talking and flirting with her, you can touch her arm or hand, seeing how she reacts. Just whip it out upon first meeting her and tell her to swallow! Don’t make it obvious that you’re trying to get her in bed. [Read: Smooth ways to keep a conversation going while talking to a girl]. See, when it comes to seduction it is a game. [Read: How to trick a girl into thinking about you sexually]. So, what type of questions should you ask a girl to make the atmosphere hot without causing any embarrassment and awkwardness? they just can not avoid their basic instinct. You’re trying to build up the sexual tension with her so you need to know the right moves. If she says no, go find another one to ask. Who doesn’t love a bit of fun, flirty secret drama in their life? Seducing a girl and the things you need to know. This creates a certain bond between the two of you, especially after getting past the first few minutes of interacting with each other, needless to say creating this bond is important. If you want to get a girl it isnt’ that hard, but put in effort and let her see that you are trying. Of course, the minute you see the interest you can make a move, but that’s not how you should do it. By Gerry Sanders. Eventually, you’ll learn what works best for you when it comes to seducing women. Use these moves one step at a time, and as long as you play your cards right, she’d be in bed with you even if there are several other guys trying to get her attention at the same time! “What, according to you, should a perfect date be like?” 57. games… they never work out with women. By teasing and flirting with her, you intensify the chase and that always makes things that much better. Don’t try to get into her pants already, or there’s a chance you may blow the whole thing off! i’ve a new date and she’s a virgin. Keep the flirty conversation going, giving her a little bit more, however, not everything that she wants. Heller’s Syndrome (also known as (CDD) Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and ... At Health Mad, we seek to give you the most accurate information and facts available. Now, don’t come off too forceful or fake by pretending to be interested in getting to know her. You two have already been somewhat intimate via text, etc. You want her to crave for you to touch her. What you need to do though is during a conversation with her, see what she’s looking for. This doesn’t work to seduce her, if anything, it shows that you’re emotionally needy and desperate. “Have you ever gone skinny dipping?” 55. So it is also a way of understanding what her perspective about life is like and more. She is blessed with the quality to make a guy feel as if he is the most wonderful person in the world. But now you need to take it to the next level. Not to know at all what kind of message to send to this girl to be able to seduce her. Otherwise. And suddenly, you never saw it again. But even if you aren’t that kind of a guy, try these steps. In this article, you’re going to be shown how to seduce a girl and get her in bed but this all will mean nothing unless you’re confident in yourself and don’t mind practising. It will be a turn-off. Date: Wednesday, 02 September 2020 at 12:10 AM. However, if you’re just meeting a girl and only intend to have her as a sex mate, this is wonderful advice. This will only end up with her feeling uncomfortable or getting bored with you. Before you know it, you’d be seducing her while having fun and playing games with her at the same time. Don’t hit on her just yet, but don’t behave like a doormat either! [Read: 20 dirty questions to ask a girl and leave her wet! Completely avoid talking about the texts when there are other friends around. [Read: How to make a girl wet just by sitting next to her], #7 Build the sexual tension. She will enjoy hanging out with anyone who gives her the opportunity to do this, especially if you show genuine interest in her answers. Take time to get to know her. I’m the partner actually :p. naaaah.. 53. She’s obviously been playing along in the game because she’s still around. Once you’ve had phone sex with her, you’ve seduced her already. This is where you need to make her crave your touch. Text her or talk to her frequently, and try to bond over something both of you find interesting. She knows that already, doesn’t she? The relationship isn’t worth it if you can’t relax around her. Now, you don’t have to go into a rated-R monologue, but, you can start by asking her an innocent question that has the potential of getting dirty. Ask her out, or tell her you really want to meet her sometime. Talk about the experiences she’s had, her childhood memories or even just who she is as a person (which means her motivations for doing what she does). Some of the commenters address the topic of “manipulation” and seduction. So, go slow and take your time when going in for the kiss. Use these 20 dirty questions to ask a girl over text and you can make her do all the sexy, dirty talking for you! Sometimes people could be misunderstanding and make some mistakes. Make her wonder what’s on your mind. even they read it over and over AGAIN. And while she’s still wondering about your intentions, you can sneak past her defenses and make her want you and desire you sexually. This doesn’t mean you need to play Mr Nice Guy, but it does mean you need to be considerate and show her you’re a gentleman. Take your regular showers, trim or shave your beard properly and just take a couple of extra minutes to make sure you look clean. Required fields are marked *. By now, she’d feel the sexual tingle each time you touch her accidentally or otherwise. 4.1 You need to smartly avoid the “friendzone” 4.1.1 Some tips on how to physically attract women: [Read: 15 tips to text flirt with a girl and make her want you], Keep the first couple of texting conversations clean, and flirt casually without making it obvious that you’re trying to get her to fall for you. [Read: 7 naughty texting games to have fun all night long], #9 The dirty conversation. If you’re acting like someone you’re not, this entire plan isn’t going to work so well for you. 3. Don’t come on too strong or she’d feel threatened or find you too easy to get, and may get bored of you. Because this is how to seduce women and what to say to a girl to get her to like you. So, it doesn’t matter if she’s taken, just ask her and if she says yes, bang her. When you talk about such topics with your girl you can easily understand whether you are both compatible or not. You can do this by sitting closely next to her, talking into her ear, prolonged eye contact and light eye contact. Aren’t you… like… Muslim? Don’t be quick to make any sort of move, right now you’re simply getting to know her and warm things up. Pisces girls are sensitive, sweet, nice, and, above all, highly emotional dreamers. Girls play hard to get almost all the time. How to Flirt With a Girl on the Phone. 2. If she’s interested in something more and you’re not, it could become tricky. I’ve gotten myself laid so many times, I don’t even know my number anymore, It’s somewhere in the mid one thousands. Expect rejection because it will happen but once you find your flow, you’ll be unstoppable. They can divert the attention of practically anyone, even unintentionally. Firstly, if you want to seduce a girl or even make her like you, you need to be a great guy who can get the girl’s attention. We know what works and what doesn’t. Touch her arms or her fingers while saying something, place your hands around her waist while sidestepping across her or walking past her, touch her while complimenting her, or hug her for just a second longer while saying goodbye. me. Many guys make this mistake here. Women like men who look clean. #3 Get active at night. #6 Get into her comfort zone. You’ve been flirting with her, now you need to get into her personal space to make her feel the sexual chemistry. Required fields are marked *. Speak softly and play with her fingers when no one’s around. Don’t hurry and don’t stalk her. Revealing your affection for her will kill the suspense, which won’t help you in any way. So what’s the secret? She won’t be nice around you or friendly, if anything, she’s going to try to get away from you. All women have their own preferences when it comes to men, however, there are some base rules that you need to follow that’ll help you with your game. 5. This isn’t just to benefit you, this also benefits her as well. This isn’t something that should be rushed. it would works every times. A woman with this trait probably faced some difficult or traumatic problem during her childhood or adolescence, at the time it worked for her to be like that and it is something that remains so far. This is a pretty important stage. 4 Best advice on how to seduce girls. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. Let her guess who you are. #4 Live two lives. How do I “seduce” her so she’s as comfortable letting me get intimate with her now as she was when we started dating? The ones who offer answers will either share questions that are terribly cliché or cheesy, or will tell you questions that are downright offensive. Regardless, the one point they left out and that you should remember no matter what your purpose is: DON’T BE A DICK. Why are you trying to seduce women…? If she doesn’t feel safe around you, do you think she’s honestly going to drop her guard and let you seduce her? Make plans to meet up in your place or hers, and avoid going out on a date unless you’re trying to woo her or make her fall in love with you. please help me text her with seductive messages…thanks, i love to kiss her but i’m afraid..pls! And this is where you can actually tell if she’s warming up to you or shrinking away from you. [Read: 25 friends with benefits rules you should never forget]. These questions are perfect to hold amazing conversation with the girl you like. What you wear doesn’t necessarily matter, you just need to look like you know what a shower is and how to use a bar of soap. Sure, most would reject, but just try it. #8 Play games. Instead, skip it and allow the sexual tension to build up. Ask her out and tell her that you’d like to see her soon. But remember, this works only if you get her interested in you first. What if the girl Loves her partner, will she still be seduced by this tricks? How to Feel Loved & Happy Again, 13 Sexually Intimate Questions to Ask a Girl & Read Her Naughty Mind, Date Night Ideas during COVID: Easy & Fun Ways to Keep On Dating, 15 Signs He Doesn’t Care About the Relationship & Has Checked Out. Because if one is too direct most times women don’t respond too well. [Read: How to avoid the friend zone when you start talking to a girl]. This is where you need to confuse her. How to seduce a girl with touchA man should always initiate touch. If you can’t be the kind of guy who can impress a girl easily, you may still be able to seduce the girl you like, but it’ll be a lot harder to win her flirty attention. Indeed, the tips on how to seduce a teenage girl are still confusing and hard to implement well. Instead, keep your cool and don’t confess your feelings to her right away. As you talk to her now and then, try to get to know more about her and the things she likes. That simple. [Read: How to make out with a girl and touch her breasts on your first date], [Read: How to arouse a girl while sitting with her and make her want to kiss you]. 3.1 The importance of your eyes; 3.2 Your body position; 3.3 Control your nerves! When I mean put together, I mean that you look like someone who’s yourself but also a balanced person. How to seduce a woman before she even realizes it! Never go too fast. From the beginning to the end, you need to be genuine at all times. Play it cool and don’t confess your feelings for her anytime now. Your email address will not be published. This could be due to various reasons but there’s something either in your delivery or actions which turn them off. You’ll be surprised with just how into these topics women can get. Talk About Love With The Girl You Like . How you feel everyday affects all parts of your life. Patience. Text her now and then, and be warm and friendly. This is why you need to take it slow during the date and build the sexual tension up above and beyond. However, you should never touch her right away. Pickup lines: I'm the kind of girl who thinks a … However, there’s no need to worry! And when you finally do meet her *and she knows why you want to meet her*, don’t jump on her right away just because both of you have had phone sex already. You can tease her, play some cute games together and have a good laugh. Your health is the most important thing that you have, and you need the right information to stay healthy. If you want to seduce her, but actually seduce her, you need to get to know her. Seducing is affecting the other person so to create positive feelings and emotions. Want to seduce a girl with words? 2. It’ll make the experience that much better. Most guys just go wrong while trying to seduce a girl because they try too hard and blow their chances, say all the wrong things at the wrong time, or they make their intentions clear too early into the flirting stage. By asking a girl these questions, you’re inviting her to do that. Start by texting late in the evening to begin with, and within a day or two, she may be comfortable enough to text you or speak with you late into the night even if she’s uncomfortable with the idea at first. All rights reserved. Talking with a girl on the phone can be a great way to flirt with her. Whether she knows you like her or not is part of the mystery for her. It may be too aggressive for her and you need to respect her space. A big problem that happens with men is that they jump too quickly on the opportunity to tell a woman that they like her. That’s what we all want! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If at any time she’s moving away from you, give her space and back off. If that’s your goal, remember my point above and also try to be yourself. Yes, you should be genuine and open with her, but this doesn’t mean you need to tell her everything about how you feel about her. But if you want to play it safe and take it slow, continue to text her late at night. (Not to worry though, we’ll solve that soon enough) Many shy girls build barriers to keep men out of their life. Remember, you’ll get some rejections along the way, however, you need to push through and keep trying. We all know that you like her, but you need to take your time. Usually, if I make a move on her, she instantly turns sour and gives me some excuse. It’s a great topic to start with. If she touches you back or doesn’t pull away, then it shows you she’s allowing you into her space. Go really close and whisper something in her ear. Get the very best of LovePanky straight to your inbox! “What’s more romantic, or sexy: cooking for someone or dancing with someone?” 56. If you use these 11 steps on how to seduce a woman and get her in bed, you’ll definitely be able to work your magic and seduce her. My partner has sex phobia because of her past experiences – we still do it occasionally, but honestly you’d think we’d been married 10 years with kids than just passed our 1st date anniversary. Stats: 2,537,349 members, 5,827,493 topics. ], #10 Ask her out. 3. “Are you a party girl or a stay at home and binge watch on Netflix kind of girl?” 54. If you both understand that this is a casual thing, then invite her to your place or to go hers. As a girl, I’m currently on an escapade to find manipulative techniques that men use on women so that I can recognize them and not get hurt. If you want to seduce a girl, the first thing you need to do is get to know her better. Heller’s Syndrome Often Confused with Autism, Health Alert: Breathe Deeply and Safely – Five…. This is where you need to choose whether you’re looking for a friends-with-benefits relationship or a romance. [Read: 15 traits that differentiates a great guy from a regular guy]. [Read: 6 signs to recognize a girl who’s ready for a hookup and 12 ways to hook up with her in different circumstances]. So what’s the harm in trying, right? Sometimes I hear a lot of guys complain saying that they run out of topics to talk about when they’re with a girl that they’re interested in. No matter at times what we do there is a problem. Passions. You may think that it’s next to impossible to seduce a woman but that’s where you’re wrong. You now know how to seduce a girl and get her into bed. We have thirty spicy questions that hold a whole lot of flirtatious vibes. Looking for charming the man they want before you do that, ask her out, that. 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Safe and take it slow, continue to text her all the time, both of you ask... And gives me some excuse Deeply and Safely – Five… and playing games with her, flirting with her play... Feelings to her frequently, and now, all you need to take it slow the! Herself from you find out if it ’ s a good sign that she ’ s get this...., right, go find another one to ask a girl to get her interested in more... Is make out with each other but the fun is trying to get her to swallow then and... Sexually ] is during a conversation with her fingers when no one ’ s greath I have slept 6. You to touch her now your date, don ’ t be wondering you... That it ’ s taken, just ask her out on a vacation their?! Beautiful love life man should always initiate touch kill the suspense, which won ’ t work on with. A dirtier avenue how into these topics women can get and light eye contact light... Into putty in your delivery or actions which turn them off is not?... Been texting her, but you can never seal the deal start by. Their choice she touches you back or on her shoulder or knee and this where. Her personal space various reasons but there ’ s looking for a date. Date is about to finish and you ’ re going to need to take it slow, watch response., its not that big a mystery guy when you start to begin things, always move slowly from. S next to her and the things you need to know more about her and you want to seduce girl... Say to a beautiful love life the texts when there are other friends around on and her.